La nouvelle SuSe 9.0 le mois prochain !

La nouvelle SuSe 9.0 le mois prochain ! - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 30-09-2003 à 07:19:36    

Citation :

"The latest version of the company's home user operating system will be the first to support AMD's Athlon 64 processor, and will include a test version of the 2.6 Linux kernel, according to Holger Dyroff, SuSE's general manager, Americas."
En ce qui concerne les prix, c'est plutôt raisonnable :

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SuSE Linux 9.0 Personal is $39.95, SuSE Linux 9.0 Professional is $79.95, and the new SuSE Linux 9.0 Professional for AMD64 is $119.95. An update version of the software will be available online for $50.

moins de 40? pour la license personnal c'est pas si mal, et la SuSe est plutôt bien finie et pratique à l'usage, les tests le mois prochain ;)
Quelques commentaires, plus ou moins positifs, sur la SuSe :

Citation :

I hope they actually get it right this time. I love SuSE 8.2, but YaST2 is buggy as hell (I think it's been buggy since 8.0), and their GNOME support is almost non-existant. Seeing how you can't download an iso to test it before you buy it, I need a little more assurance that it's actually going to work (or at least be maintained) before I spend the 80 bucks.

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I've been using SuSE since 7.2 and I'm more than a satisfied customer. SuSE produces the most professional distro out there and YaST is a wonder for any system admin.
YOU (YaST Online Update) didn't quite work in 8.1, but I didn't encounter any problems in 8.2.

Citation :

I really liked Mandrake 9.1 (and still do), but bought a copy of SuSE 8.2 pro on an impulse at Best Buy one afternoon. Glad I did: 8.2 has proven to be rock-solid, fast, and attractive. Came with everything but the kitchen sink, too. Very convenient.
So now SuSE is deployed on my home and work machines, and I've converted three more Windows users to Linux. They're happy as can be, and I will be, too, when it's time to plunk down for SuSE 9.0.
Not a thing wrong with any number of the other distros, but SuSE has worked well for me. I feel good about supporting a company that is doing a lot to make Linux acceptable for government and corporate use, also.

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Come ON, I just got done installing SuSE 8.2! I keep /home on a separate disk, which gives me the luxury of doing a fresh install when a new version of SuSE comes out. But even so, the upgrade was non-trivial.
These people are turning the crank a little too fast! I only have an Athlon 750 -- what do I need SuSE 9 for?
You know, I think these SuSE people are even more aggressive than Microsoft when it comes to "New, new, new!" I believe that I will get off the train to SuSE Upgrade City, thank you very much, and when my SuSE 8.2 gets a little old, switch to Debian or maybe Gentoo. I just do not need this constant pressure to upgrade.
Yast and yast2 are nice tools, but these tasks are not difficult once you learn how to do them.

PS : Avec Slack et MDK, ca fait beaucoups de sorties de distros ce mois ci :D

Message édité par - Fred - le 30-09-2003 à 07:25:51

Marsh Posté le 30-09-2003 à 07:19:36   


Marsh Posté le 30-09-2003 à 10:08:09    

La version personnelle est assez limitee quand meme : par exemple il y a bien le client NFS mais pas le serveur... Donc pour faire un reseau a la maison c'est pas top, et ca fait assez rapiat. Bien sur il y a la possibilite de telecharger les rpms je suppose.
Les fans de Suse ont plutot interet a prendre la version pro.

Message édité par zeb_ le 30-09-2003 à 10:20:16

Marsh Posté le 30-09-2003 à 13:18:04    

elle avale ?
does she ? (tm)
~~~~> []

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology

Marsh Posté le 30-09-2003 à 20:23:29    

os2 a écrit :

on pourrait bien reprocher à une distribution x qu'il ne propose pas le package y, l'important est qu'il soit possible de l'avoir

Effectivement,, ca reste du Linux, donc tu peux y mettre ce que tu veux, et la version perso est à mon avis suffisante pour un usage domestique.

"You know the name, You know the number..."

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