aider moi en anglais ( present perfect )

aider moi en anglais ( present perfect ) - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 22:42:49    

Complétez les interviews suivantes avec le present ou le present perfect  
1)my family ( be ) all protestant and we ( live ) in this area for 12 years may sound a bit strange , but i ( not/meet) any catholics since we first came here.i couldn't ever see myself going out with a catholics girl because i ( not/know ) where i could meet one.You ( not / get ) the opportunity to meet many catholics in this area . On saturdays i (often/go) to a disco with friends but they ( be ) all protestants .If i ( ever/get  ) married it will have to be to a protestant girl.
2) Mary ( be ) a catholic.I ( known ) her for 2 year now.We ( be) very found of each other .But whenever we ( go out ) it ( have ) to be to places where no one ( known ) us. if we were recognise together , there would be trouble both in her family and mine because we ( not /tell ) our parents . i ( think ) that it ( not/be ) possible for us to get married . we both ( know ) that there ( be ) no future in this relationship .Something will hapen that will take her awayfrom me . I ( be ) sure of that
sa serait sympa si vou pouvais m aidez em m ecrivant la verbe suivi de la bonne forme  
ex ( be = is ) merci  


Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 22:42:49   


Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 22:43:29    

encore un qui s'est inscrit juste pour qu'on lui fasse ses devoirs :D


Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 22:50:07    

se pas ca se que je comprend vraiment rien au present perfect  
explique moi alors


Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 23:29:15    

Present perfect  :
- Bilan  
- Action qui a débuté dans le passé et qui se poursuit dans le présent
- On l'utilise avec des structures de probabilités pour exprimer une probabilité au passé : You may have checked your lesson


Marsh Posté le 26-12-2005 à 23:37:54    

my family is all protestant and we live ou( have been living) in this area for 12 years may sound a bit strange , but i havent met any catholics since we first came here.i couldn't ever see myself going out with a catholics girl because i dont know where i could meet one.You dont get the opportunity to meet many catholics in this area . On saturdays i often go  to a disco with friends but they are all protestants .If i had ever get married it will have to be to a protestant girl.
2) Mary is a catholic.I have known  her for 2 year now.We have very found of each other .But whenever we  go out  it  has  to be to places where no one  know us. if we were recognise together , there would be trouble both in her family and mine because we havent told our parents . i think that it is possible for us to get married . we both  that there is ) no future in this relationship .Something will hapen that will take her awayfrom me . I am sure of that
Tu peux déja lire ton cur ca te ferait pas de mal. Je te garantit pas que c'est sans faute.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par gayrome le 26-12-2005 à 23:38:29

Marsh Posté le 27-12-2005 à 08:36:49    

Il faudrait à l'auteur de ce topic de l'aide en francais aussi...


Marsh Posté le 27-12-2005 à 11:16:17    

gayrome a écrit :

my family is all protestant and we live ou( have been living) in this area for 12 years now. à cause du for, il faut mettre le present perfect et pas le présent
it may sound a bit strange , but i havent met any catholics since we first came here.i couldn't ever see myself going out with a catholics girl because i dont know where i could meet one.You dont get the opportunity to meet many catholics in this area . On saturdays i often go  to a disco with friends but they are all protestants .If i had ever get married it will have to be to a protestant girl.
2) Mary is a catholic.I have known  her for 2 year now.We have are very found of each other .But whenever we  go out  it  has  to be to places where no one  know knows us. if we were recognise together , there would be trouble both in her family and mine because we havent told our parents . i think that it is possible for us to get married . we  both have known that there is ) no future in this relationship .Something will hapen that will take her awayfrom me . I am sure of that  


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