Texte à corriger en anglais

Texte à corriger en anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 12-11-2013 à 22:12:33    

Bonjour à tous,
Notre professeur d'anglais nous a concocté un nouveau type d'exercice. Il s'agit de trouver dans un texte les erreurs de tous types ( grammaire, syntaxe, contre-sens etc...). Ce devoir étant affecté d'un gros coefficient, j'ai préféré le soumettre aux plus aguerris du forum afin de comparer vos réponses avec la mienne. Voici le texte:
The consumer is the focus of all retail business and it is important to appreciate how consumers are influenced in their buying decisions. Most of consumers, before making a purchase, gather information and evaluate with the alternatives, but the extent to which they look for information depends on the type of purchase. For example, in the case of routine grocery purchases most consumers respond to automatically. However, for purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater, like buying a new car, so the search for information is more important. The decision to purchase is never a single decision but a number of these separate decisions, and at any time during this process, consumers can change their minds about and choose an alternative route. For example, although a consumer may have decided where to buy a product only to realise at the last moment that this is, in fact, having the wrong choice. The price in the store may be too high or the staff unhelpful. On the other hand, a lack of queues, favourable credit facilities and efficient staff all lead to a too positive impression, so retailers should remember how difficulties in these areas that can affect a sale or even lose a customer permanently.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui pourront m'éclairer de leur savoir de la langue de Shakespeare.
Best regards


Marsh Posté le 12-11-2013 à 22:12:33   


Marsh Posté le 13-11-2013 à 00:56:49    

remarque rapide
consumer x 6
purchase x 5


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