Suite d'un texte en Anglais.. - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes
MarshPosté le 02-03-2014 à 14:56:39
Bonjour à tous. Voilà mon problème, je dois inventer la suite du texte ci-dessous mais je n'ai pas d'idée.. j'ai plutôt bien compris le texte mais je ne sais pas quoi dire pour faire la suite. Quelqu'un aurait des idées à me proposer?
le texte: In spite of her age - she was getting on for 78 - Janet Blakeley stepped briskly into the first-class carriage to Pemberton. It was 11pm and fortunately there was only one other passenger in the compartment: a man in his forties who was sleeping heavily. "Good" she thought, "I won't have to talk!" She sat down, took a magazine out of her handbag and started reading it for the second time. Suddenly, she felt ill at ease and raised her eyes...
Marsh Posté le 02-03-2014 à 14:56:39
Bonjour à tous.

Voilà mon problème, je dois inventer la suite du texte ci-dessous mais je n'ai pas d'idée.. j'ai plutôt bien compris le texte mais je ne sais pas quoi dire pour faire la suite. Quelqu'un aurait des idées à me proposer?
le texte: In spite of her age - she was getting on for 78 - Janet Blakeley stepped briskly into the first-class carriage to Pemberton. It was 11pm and fortunately there was only one other passenger in the compartment: a man in his forties who was sleeping heavily.
"Good" she thought, "I won't have to talk!"
She sat down, took a magazine out of her handbag and started reading it for the second time. Suddenly, she felt ill at ease and raised her eyes...