correction anglais

correction anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 16-01-2006 à 21:09:31    

Si quelqu'un pourais me corriger ce texte merci beaucoup.
On the one hand I would have looked for a job, and I would have asked for help to people in the city to have some advices.  
On the other hand I would have accepted to give a package of heroin in Tokyo in exchange of 1000£.
But I am desperate and I am suffering from a serious disease because I have headaches and cramps, so I am  weak.  I can’t imagine work.
I would like to buy a ticket to return in England because it has run out but I am penniless. That’s why it is necessary that I find money.
Either I can accept the package of heroin to do a lot of money in a record time instead of working. However I risk to be trapped for the customs officers, then to be locked up and even to get a death penalty. Moreover it’s not worthy of woman and I won’t feel up to look myself in a mirror because I would do something punished for the law and I won’t be honest.
Or I work to earn money but it’s long and it’s difficult because I am ill.  
In both cases, it’s not reasonable that’s why it’s preferable to go to the British Embassy to get a loan or ring my family in spite of my pride.


Marsh Posté le 16-01-2006 à 21:09:31   


Marsh Posté le 16-01-2006 à 21:41:08    

qq indices sur qq erreurs:
to people
exchange of
in England
"it" has run out
that I find
do money
j'arrête car je fatigue, dsl...


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