Aide corection résumé de stage en aglais

Aide corection résumé de stage en aglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 26-01-2009 à 21:32:30    

Bonjour j'aimerai que vous m'aidés à corriger mon résumé en anglais
I do engineer's forming of the Cesfa-BTP in alternation with the company Pradeau and Morin subsidiary of Eiffage. This company is specialized in rehabilitation. At present I am on a construction site of reorganization of a building haussmannien situated on Paris ninth. The works consist in the reorganization of the strong elements roughly work but also of all the bodies of states.  
During my periods in company, I did very versatile tasks given that I am by the simple journeyman, in assistant’s roles foreman of construction site. This period was very enriching in particular in the technical domain because on the ground we learn enormously with to the explanation of the works foreman, but also the journeymen.  
merci de votre aide


Marsh Posté le 26-01-2009 à 21:32:30   


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