Y'a t'il des fautes d'aurtographes dans ce dialogue en anglais? - Actualité - Discussions
Marsh Posté le 11-11-2003 à 13:45:16
D'orthographe mais aussi de grammaire.
Rien que dans la première phrase il y a beaucoup de fautes, dont certaines d'inattention.
Marsh Posté le 11-11-2003 à 13:46:28
C'est un traducteur automatique qui a pondu ce texte non ?
Marsh Posté le 11-11-2003 à 13:50:16
KiRu@ a écrit : je dois faire un dialogue avec un inspecteur qui interroge Mr lilybanks la voisine de la maison de Sydeny dont sa femme est porté disparu! |
Topic anglais.
PS: aides au devoir et cie, c'est pas le bon forum...
Marsh Posté le 11-11-2003 à 13:41:24
je dois faire un dialogue avec un inspecteur qui interroge Mr lilybanks la voisine de la maison de Sydeny dont sa femme est porté disparu!
Pourriez-vous m'informer si vous voyez quelques fautes?(doit y en avoir lol) merci beaucoup
This text deal with the disparition of alicia, the sydney's wife!
An inspector came to inspect the couple's house .
After having done his work in the house, the inspector moves towards the house of the neighbor,
Mrs Lilybanks
-Have-you notice something of strange these last weeks? ask the inspector with a courteous tone.
- Not, except quarrels between Sydney and he's wife, answer Mrs Lilybanks nervously.
-ok, and since how long be you the neighbor of Sydney?
-Hummm...let me réflechir a few moments...that must make a dozen years if I remember well!
-And have you always good relationship between you, sydney and Alicia?
-yes, always, especially with Sydeney... with which I had very good relations...not, I wants to say, I find that Sydney is very nice ...finally, you understand me! She answered on a confused ton.
-oh...ok ok ok, I understand add the inspector with an amused and joyfully air. So, Why especially with Sydney?
-Hi... I prefère not to answer this question! She answered while being excused.
-Do you maintain more relationship than friendly relations with Sydney? You can all say to me you know, that will remain between us, anybody will not have wind of our conversation.
-Eh well, for all to say to you, Sydney misleads his wife for me, she answer with a guilty air.
-Now if you allow it to me I would like me to go from there, I have other fish to fry such added while leaving.
-We can think that Sydney killed his wife to obtain the heritage of the house and to marry with you! I need more than information, I must return my report, I would pass tomorrow to clear up the affire, goodbye
-ok, bye