MLP 5.1 24 bit/96 kHz (DvdAudio) vers AAC 5.1 24 bit/96 kHz

MLP 5.1 24 bit/96 kHz (DvdAudio) vers AAC 5.1 24 bit/96 kHz - Traitement Audio - Video & Son

Marsh Posté le 06-10-2004 à 09:56:45    

Heu ... comment qu'on fait ??
Y a rien de 9 depuis ça : [...] subcat=131  ??
Pfffou !! Apparament c'est pas pour tout de suite ! [...] adid=68300
17. Can I decrypt/rip a DVD-A (DVD-Audio) disk? What format does DVD-A use?
DVD-A uses either LPCM or a lossless encoding called MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing), and supports up to 24 bit and 192 KHz audio. Due to the strong encryption of DVD-Audio, there is no way at this time to decrypt DVD-A disks.
One possibility for extracting the audio would be to attach the S/PDIF out of your DVD-A player to the S/PDIF in of your soundcard. Due to the strong encryption of the DVD-A format and the extremely high cost of MLP decoder licenses, there may never be an ideal solution for ripping DVD-A.

Message édité par vanden le 06-10-2004 à 11:08:01

Marsh Posté le 06-10-2004 à 09:56:45   


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