phpmyadmin 2.3.2 et password root

phpmyadmin 2.3.2 et password root - SQL/NoSQL - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 01:36:56    

Grosso modo dès que je mets un password à root je n'arrive plus à lancer phpmyadmin...
pour info dans mes arguments de startup mysql j'ai ca:
--skip-name-resolve --language=french
Que se passe-t-il?


Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 01:36:56   


Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 08:25:40    

Dans le fichier de configuration de PHPMySql lui donne tu le mot de passe aussi ?
Si non ben fo lui donner :D

Tout à commencé par un rêve...

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 12:27:31    

stef_dobermann a écrit a écrit :

Dans le fichier de configuration de PHPMySql lui donne tu le mot de passe aussi ?
Si non ben fo lui donner :D  

tu parles du fichier
Il est illisible... ;-(


Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 12:40:31    

Max2jordan a écrit a écrit :

tu parles du fichier
Il est illisible... ;-(

il est illisible ??? c dommage parce que c là que tu dois modifier le password root


Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 12:46:04    


Just because you feel good does not make you right

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 13:11:59    

z0rglub a écrit a écrit :

il est illisible ??? c dommage parce que c là que tu dois modifier le password root

Par illisible je veux dire que je n'y comprends rien à ce fichier...
Est-ce que vous pouvez me guider..Merci.


Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 14:27:55    

Max2jordan a écrit a écrit :

Par illisible je veux dire que je n'y comprends rien à ce fichier...

[:ddr555] on l'avait jamais faite celle là  [:xp1700]

Just because you feel good does not make you right

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 14:29:10    

Citation :

$cfgPmaAbsoluteUri = '';
Set the URL of where-ever you are putting phpMyAdmin here. Make sure to include the full path with the / at the end otherwise it won't work. This is probably the most important part so make sure its right! Also note - put your site address between the parenthesizes (the ' and the other ';) otherwise again it will not work. Leave the ; there as it is there for a reason. In case you also didn't notice this; I am installing it to my test site ( under the subdirectory phpmyadmin.
$cfgServers[1]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServers[1]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServers[1]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
Thos two lines should be left alone but if it does not work; try setting the localhost to your actual server address and then it might work better. Also, the default port setting is 3306 which usually works but if yours is different and you know it (or you've had problems) then try changing it and remember to put it between the ' and the other '.
$cfgServers[1]['user'] = 'seremify'; // MySQL user
$cfgServers[1]['password'] = 'password'; // MySQL password (only needed with basic auth)
Obviously you put your username and password in here. Between the two ' ' again. This way when you get there it will automatically log you in. Also note if you wish to make it so it won't log you in automatically, change the setting for advanced authentication.
$cfgServers[1]['adv_auth'] = FALSE; // Use advanced authentication?
That is the advanced authentication setting. Change the word false into true to require you to enter in your login details (and server details) every time you want to check your database. This is obviously much more safer than if you leave it as open. Also note that if you use Advanced Authentication, do not enter your password into the password section of the configuration file (below the username). Remove it. Leave the username there though. When you've set it properly it should look like this;
$cfgServers[1]['adv_auth'] = TRUE; // Use advanced authentication?
Make sure you set all the details in the ones marked $cfgServers[1] as the other ones refer to other 'bookmark's. Don't worry about them.
Like I said before, the rest of the stuff isn't that important but can be changed to suit yourself - its easier just to leave it as it leaves less of a chance for it to stuff up.  
je crois que j'ai déjà donné le lien

Just because you feel good does not make you right

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 14:30:31    

Citation :

// The $cfgServers array starts with $cfgServers[1]. Do not use $cfgServers[0].
// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
$cfgServers[1]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname, James, you shouldn't have to change it
$cfgServers[1]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServers[1]['adv_auth'] = false; // Use advanced authentication? You might need it.
$cfgServers[1]['stduser'] = 'username'; // MySQL standard user (only needed with advanced auth)
$cfgServers[1]['stdpass'] = 'password'; // MySQL standard password (only needed with advanced auth)
$cfgServers[1]['user'] = 'username'; // MySQL user (only needed with basic auth)
$cfgServers[1]['password'] = 'password'; // MySQL password (only needed with basic auth)
$cfgServers[1]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name, only this db is accessible
$cfgServers[1]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname

Just because you feel good does not make you right

Marsh Posté le 22-10-2002 à 18:53:37    

Thankx my DarthLord


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