virtualhosts / mdk8

virtualhosts / mdk8 - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 14:08:01    

faut-il imperativement creer un serveur DNS pour installer  des virtualhosts car je n'arrive à les configurer.
la 1ere page du serveur ok les autres non


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 14:08:01   


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 14:43:03    

non .
fais voir ton <virtualhosts>

Do androïds dream of electric sheep ?

Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 14:56:27    

Voici mon virtualhost, configurer pour les pages perso  d'un utilisateur (pascal)
################# Vhosts.conf
#This is where we store the VirtualHosts configuration.
#Since Apache 1.3.19, we modified the setup to include some nice tricks:
#- We added the User and Group directives so VirtualHosts now work with
#  suexec directive. If set, Apache will run all cgi scripts under that
#  user and group (provided the uid and gid are > 100 for security). The
#  directories and cgi files *must* belong to that user/group for the
#  feature to work
#- We added the Setenv VLOG directive. This works in conjunction with
#  the CustomLog in common.conf. When Setenv VLOG is set, apache will
#  create a /var/log/httpd/VLOG-YYYY-MM-<ServerName>.log instead of logging
#  to access_log. Use this instead of defining a special logfile for
#  each vhost, otherwise you eat up file descriptors.
#- You can also specify a path for the VLOG for each Vhost, for example,
#  to place the logs in each user's directory. However, if you want to
#  use the file for accounting, place it in a directory owned by root,
#  otherwise the user will be able to erase it.
#- I suggest only including the ErrorLog *only* if the vhost will use
#  cgi scripts. Again, it saves file descriptors!
#- We added the Rewrite directives so vhosts will work with the
#  PERLPROXIED configuration
################# IP-based Virtual Hosts
#User olivier
#Group smbusers
#DocumentRoot /home/olivier
#ServerName olivier
#Setenv VLOG /home/jmdault/logs
#ErrorLogs /home/jmdault/test2-error_log
#ewriteEngine On
#RewriteOptions inherit
################# Named VirtualHosts
    DocumentRoot home/pascal/www
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/pascal-access_log common


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 15:35:11    

Pas d'idées????????????????????HELP


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2001 à 15:39:30    

je mettrai :
        DocumentRoot /home/pascal/www
        ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/pascal-error_log
        Customlog /var/log/httpd/pascal-access_log common
et ne pas oublier de redémarrer apache apres chaque changement  ;)


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