Apache et XML ? - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 15:34:54
Qu'es-ce que tu appelles prendre en charge l'xml ?
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 15:37:28
j'ai pondu un truc avec visio 2002. j'ai enregistré sous fichier HTML et voilà le resultat: ya à boire et à manger... javascript, xml etc...
showroom M4
<script src="showroom M4_utilitaires.js"></script>
var g_NavBarLoaded = g_TitleBarLoaded = false;
function FileEntry (pageID, pageName, priImage, secImage)
this.PageID = pageID;
this.PageName = pageName;
this.PriImage = priImage;
this.SecImage = secImage;
g_FileList = new Array(
new FileEntry (6, "Welcome", "showroom M4_vml_1.htm", "showroom M4_gif_1.htm" ),
new FileEntry (0, "PLC", "showroom M4_vml_2.htm", "showroom M4_gif_2.htm" ),
new FileEntry (4, "lan network", "showroom M4_vml_3.htm", "showroom M4_gif_3.htm" ),
new FileEntry (5, "Noc", "showroom M4_vml_4.htm", "showroom M4_gif_4.htm" )
var g_SupportingFileList = new Array (
"showroom M4_data.xml",
"showroom M4_nav.htm",
"showroom M4_nav2.htm",
"showroom M4_zoom.htm"
var FileIndex_XML = 0;
var FileIndex_CP = 1;
var FileIndex_Nav = 2;
var FileIndex_Nav2 = 3;
var FileIndex_Zoom = 4;
var FrameCP = '<frame name="frmCustProp" src="' + g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_CP] + '" frameborder="yes" scrolling="auto">';
var FramePageView = '<frame name="frmPageView" src="javascript:parent.BlankPage(' + "'white'" + '" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto">';
var FrameNavBar = '<frame name="frmNavBar" src="javascript:parent.BlankPage(' + "'white'" + '" frameborder="no" scrolling="no">';
var FrameZoom = '<frame name="frmZoomBox" src="' + g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Zoom] + '" frameborder="yes" scrolling="no">';
var FramePlaceHolder= '<frame name="frmPlaceHolder" src="javascript:parent.BlankPage(' + "'white'" + '" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize>';
function HTMLExport() { }
g_theApp = new HTMLExport();
g_theApp.ActiveViewMgr = null;
g_theApp.PageUpdateFunc = null;
g_theApp.ZoomResetFunc = null;
g_theApp.CPResetFunc = null;
g_theApp.custPropEntryPoint = null;
g_theApp.VisDocName = "showroom M4.vsd";
g_theApp.VisDocPath = "D:\\Easyplug2\\Schéma showroom M4\\";
g_theApp.FileList = g_FileList;
g_theApp.CurrentPageIX = -1;
g_theApp.DocHasBaseHL = false;
g_theApp.objParser = null;
g_theApp.appVer = navigator.appVersion;
g_theApp.isNav = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
g_theApp.verNav = 0;
g_theApp.PriFormatMinIE = 5.00;
g_theApp.PriFormatMinNav = 0.00;
g_theApp.PriFormatSupportsZoom = 1;
g_theApp.SecFormatMinIE = 3.00;
g_theApp.SecFormatMinNav = 3.00;
g_theApp.SecFormatSupportsZoom = 0;
var msie = g_theApp.appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " );
g_theApp.isIE = (msie >= 0);
g_theApp.verIE = 0;
if (g_theApp.isIE)
g_theApp.verIE = parseFloat(g_theApp.appVer.substring(msie + 5, g_theApp.appVer.indexOf(";", msie)));
if (g_theApp.verIE >= 5.0)
g_theApp.objParser = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
// Instruct the parser to use synchronous data transfer
g_theApp.objParser.async = false;
// Call the load method of the XML parser object, passing in the path to
// the file containing the XML data
if (g_theApp.objParser.parseError.errorCode != 0)
g_theApp.objParser = null;
if (g_theApp.objParser != null)
var baseHyperlink = g_theApp.objParser.selectSingleNode("VisioDocument/DocumentProperties/HyperlinkBase" );
if (baseHyperlink != null && baseHyperlink.attributes != null)
var basehref = baseHyperlink.attributes.getNamedItem ("href" );
g_theApp.DocHasBaseHL = (basehref != null && basehref.text.length > 0)
g_theApp.verNav = parseInt(g_theApp.appVer);
// Create the HTML frameset.
CreateDocument ();
function BlankPage(color)
if ( (null != color) && ("" == color) )
color = "black";
return "<html><body bgcolor='" + color + "'></body></html>";
function LoadFrames()
if (g_theApp.isIE && g_theApp.verIE >= 5.0)
if (this.frmNavBar != null)
// Load the newer version of the nav bar if it was created, otherwise,
// load the older one.
var strNavBarFile = g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Nav];
if (strNavBarFile.length <= 0)
strNavBarFile = g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Nav2];
this.frmNavBar.location.replace (strNavBarFile);
if (this.frmNavBar != null)
this.frmNavBar.location.replace (g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Nav2]);
// Load the first page.
GoToPage (0);
function CreateFrameset (frame1, frame2, framesetAttrs, defaultFramesetAttrs)
if (frame1 != null && frame1.length > 0 &&
frame2 != null && frame2.length > 0)
var strFrameset;
strFrameset = "<frameset " + framesetAttrs + ">";
strFrameset += frame1;
strFrameset += frame2;
strFrameset += "</frameset>";
return strFrameset;
else if (frame1 != null && frame1.length > 0)
if (defaultFramesetAttrs != null && defaultFramesetAttrs.length > 0)
return CreateFrameset (frame1, " ", defaultFramesetAttrs, "" );
return frame1;
else if (frame2 != null && frame2.length > 0)
if (defaultFramesetAttrs != null && defaultFramesetAttrs.length > 0)
return CreateFrameset (" ", frame2, defaultFramesetAttrs, "" );
return frame2;
return "";
function CreateDocument ()
var frameCPText = "";
var frameNavBarText = "";
var frameZoomText = "";
// Does the current output format support zooming?
if (ZoomAvailable ())
frameZoomText = FrameZoom;
// Do we want a nav bar?
if (g_FileList.length > 1 &&
(g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Nav].length > 0 ||
g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_Nav2].length > 0))
frameNavBarText = FrameNavBar;
// Do we have a prop viewer file, and does this browser support XML?
if (g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_CP].length > 0 &&
g_SupportingFileList[FileIndex_XML].length > 0 &&
SupportsXML () &&
g_theApp.objParser != null)
frameCPText = FrameCP;
// Create a frameset with the nav bar/zoom
var frmsetNavZoom = CreateFrameset (frameNavBarText, frameZoomText, 'name="frmsetNavBar" cols="*,120"', "" );
// Now put that frameset inside another frameset. This one will contain the actual
// output pages.
var frmsetOutput = CreateFrameset (FramePageView,
'rows="*,30" framespacing=0 onload="LoadFrames()"',
'';//'rows="*" framespacing=0 onload="LoadFrames()"'
// Now put this frameset inside another one. This one will contain the
// custom property viewer as well.
var frmsetTotal = CreateFrameset (frameCPText, frmsetOutput, 'cols="25%,75%" onload="LoadFrames()"', "" );
// One last check to make sure that we actually have a frameset to load.
if (frmsetTotal == FramePageView)
frmsetTotal = CreateFrameset (FramePageView, FramePlaceHolder, 'rows="100%,0" onload="LoadFrames()"', "" );
document.write (frmsetTotal);
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 15:49:33
Et tu cherches à faire quoi avec ces fichiers (parceque normalement, il y en a plus d'un) ?
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 15:57:22
Je désire mettre en ligne cette presentation sur un serveur apache.
Pour info:
en local (http://localhost) sur le serveur avec le browser Mozilla (1.0.x) çela fonctionne. dès que je passe en distant ! avec ie 5-6(W2K) ca merdoix ???
en local (http://localhost) sur le serveur avec Navigator (linux) il me dit que le serveur ne reconnait pas le protocole ?!?!
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 16:14:34
voilà ce que ca donne avec ie 6 quand je fais un http://mon_serveur
Marsh Posté le 14-08-2002 à 11:26:10
Il aparaît que ce sont des modules qui permettent la prise en charge de tels fonctionnalités.
Marsh Posté le 13-08-2002 à 15:32:50
Savez vous comment faire pour que Apache puisse prendre en charge l'XML ? j'ai essayé de compulser rapidement xml.apache.org mais j'y comprend rien !
Merci de votre aide.