[wmaker] cacher les apicons !!!

cacher les apicons !!! [wmaker] - Logiciels - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 09-06-2003 à 13:40:51    

Citation :

1.10  What is the difference between appicons, mini-windows, and minimized applications?
    Thanks to Jim Knoble for this answer:
    Many window managers are capable of turning large windows into smaller `icons' which represent the window yet don't take as much screen real estate. We're all familiar with that model.
    Window Maker has two kinds of these icons. One kind is created when an application---technically, a window group---is started. It represents the entire application and is called an `appicon'. Such icons are square tiles containing only the picture which represents the application; they have no titles.
    The second kind of icon in Window Maker is created when a particular window (possibly one belonging to an application displaying more than one window) is `miniaturized' (which is the same action as `minimizing' or `iconifying' in other window management models) using the miniaturization button on the window's titlebar. These miniaturized windows are called `miniwindows' and can normally be distinguished from appicons by their small titlebar at the top of the tile.

comment on peut faire pour cacher les apicons, par ce que je n'en ai absolument aucune utilité

Message édité par Taz le 10-06-2003 à 14:42:43

Marsh Posté le 09-06-2003 à 13:40:51   


Marsh Posté le 10-06-2003 à 12:10:37    


Message édité par Taz le 10-06-2003 à 12:10:44

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