Sortie Yoper \o/ allez gogogo down !

Sortie Yoper \o/ allez gogogo down ! - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:38:42    

mais toi donner moi 100$ si tu veux Yoper !


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:38:42   


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:49:39    

What is Yoper?
The best OS you have ever tried.
Yoper is a high performance operating system which has been carefully optimised for PC's with either 686 or higher processor types. The binaries that come with Yoper have been built from scratch using the original sources combined with the best features of from the major distros. However, Yoper is not like the general purpose distros such as Redhat or Mandrake. It is high performance. It is compact. In fact Yoper is one of the most standardised linux's that you will find and hardware performance is better than that of any other commercial OS. With Yoper it is possible to import packages from all the other major distros including rpm's, deb's, and tgz packages.
The base system is built from scratch.
Packagetools come from Slackware (installpkg, removepkg, xfree86setup).
Raidtools from Redhat.
Kudzu Hardware recognition from RedHat.
Startup scripts from RedHat.
Mozilla from Netscape Ltd.
OpenOffice from SUN.
Cloop and hwsetup for our bootable CD's from Knoppix.

c'est cool, masi je saisi pas l'interet de la chose en fait !

-= In Kik00 101 I trust :o =-

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:51:53    

We compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged. Until one of you actually tries it how can you even start talking. It is a complete new Linux not based on anything else, targetting the i686 business market. You nerds arenot our business. You nerds are no ones business and this is the reason why as a community we fail to fight M$ properly. After years of dev you could have actually given it an objective go instead of slagging it off and blindly comparing it to slackware only because it was posted on /. in the same article as slackware. Ignorance is bliss. Stay in your matrix and stay blind. This is a business and not a charity organization for brainless and gutless chickens that fill a forum up with junk.
Stay with your Linux and leave us alone. Business users need us, since they are sick of YOU. We do not need brainless nerds with too much time on their hand. We need businesses who want to save time and money and save their behind from having to hire you.


brisez les rêves des gens, il en restera toujours quelque chose...  -- laissez moi troller sur discu !

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:52:42    

kadreg a écrit :

We compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged. Until one of you actually tries it how can you even start talking. It is a complete new Linux not based on anything else, targetting the i686 business market. You nerds arenot our business. You nerds are no ones business and this is the reason why as a community we fail to fight M$ properly. After years of dev you could have actually given it an objective go instead of slagging it off and blindly comparing it to slackware only because it was posted on /. in the same article as slackware. Ignorance is bliss. Stay in your matrix and stay blind. This is a business and not a charity organization for brainless and gutless chickens that fill a forum up with junk.
Stay with your Linux and leave us alone. Business users need us, since they are sick of YOU. We do not need brainless nerds with too much time on their hand. We need businesses who want to save time and money and save their behind from having to hire you.


Et ça ca énerve pas  :fou:  :fou:  :pfff:  :heink:


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:56:45    

dommage, Vendredy c'est demain [:ddr555]


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:58:13    

kadreg a écrit :

We compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged. Until one of you actually tries it how can you even start talking. It is a complete new Linux not based on anything else, targetting the i686 business market. You nerds arenot our business. You nerds are no ones business and this is the reason why as a community we fail to fight M$ properly. After years of dev you could have actually given it an objective go instead of slagging it off and blindly comparing it to slackware only because it was posted on /. in the same article as slackware. Ignorance is bliss. Stay in your matrix and stay blind. This is a business and not a charity organization for brainless and gutless chickens that fill a forum up with junk.
Stay with your Linux and leave us alone. Business users need us, since they are sick of YOU. We do not need brainless nerds with too much time on their hand. We need businesses who want to save time and money and save their behind from having to hire you.


mouais ok bah faut le trouver ca qd meme !!! c'est bien caché sur le site !
Ok ca se defend c une distro pr les gars qui aiment et veulent que ca marhce de suite, pkoi pas alors

-= In Kik00 101 I trust :o =-

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 18:59:19    

911GT3 a écrit :

dommage, Vendredy c'est demain [:ddr555]

Ah oui, mais là, on a du troll fortement poilu quand même.
Pour les nons anglophones, ça dit à peu près : "Bande de cons communistes vivant dans leurs rêves de merde allez vous faire foutre et laissez nous faire du business ou on vous envoie sarko dans votre cul"

brisez les rêves des gens, il en restera toujours quelque chose...  -- laissez moi troller sur discu !

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:00:15    



Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:12:08    



Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:19:36    

HuGoBioS a écrit :

What is Yoper?
The best OS you have ever tried.

Hrhr et après ils disent 'cassez vous les nerdz on veut pas de vous nous on fait du business'. Mais à part un nerd, qui essaye des systèmes d'exploitations? Le pas nerd, meme directeur informatique, il prend celui qu'on lui refourgue et meme si il est pas content il dit rien :) Y a qu'un nerd pour insister pour avoir telle distro linux plutot que RedHat.


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:19:36   


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:29:00    

fl0ups a écrit :

Hrhr et après ils disent 'cassez vous les nerdz on veut pas de vous nous on fait du business'. Mais à part un nerd, qui essaye des systèmes d'exploitations? Le pas nerd, meme directeur informatique, il prend celui qu'on lui refourgue et meme si il est pas content il dit rien :) Y a qu'un nerd pour insister pour avoir telle distro linux plutot que RedHat.



Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:36:01    

fl0ups a écrit :

Hrhr et après ils disent 'cassez vous les nerdz on veut pas de vous nous on fait du business'. Mais à part un nerd, qui essaye des systèmes d'exploitations? Le pas nerd, meme directeur informatique, il prend celui qu'on lui refourgue et meme si il est pas content il dit rien :) Y a qu'un nerd pour insister pour avoir telle distro linux plutot que RedHat.

:lol:  :hello:

-= In Kik00 101 I trust :o =-

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 19:37:47    

:sweat: spa bla² ici

-= In Kik00 101 I trust :o =-

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