Toujours plus de cheats dans Counter Strike : /

Toujours plus de cheats dans Counter Strike : / - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 26-09-2001 à 01:26:15    

Citation :

[quote]PunkBuster says GG to HL [News]
(Comment?!)-- Cache -- 09/25/2001 3:41 PM
PunkBuster's going commercial and since VALVe isn't helping them, then they are suspending development of the Half-Life version and will make a PunkBuster for other games. Sounds like somebody wants some $$ for their services and the counter-strike gamers are going to get 0wned with all kinds of cheats until VALVe stops the leaks.  
On a sad note to honest players of Counter-Strike and Half-Life mods, we have determined that the current version of PunkBuster cannot be appreciably improved without the direct support of VALVe. We have offered to do business with VALVe on multiple occasions

Source :
En gros valve n'aide pas du tout les développeurs de punkbuster et du coup ceux ci arrettent sont développement pour HL et sortira désormais un PB pour d'autres jeux.


Marsh Posté le 26-09-2001 à 01:26:15   


Marsh Posté le 26-09-2001 à 01:28:03    

:cry:  :cry:  
cette fois c la fin


Marsh Posté le 26-09-2001 à 13:43:11    



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