docuement office en natif sur palm

docuement office en natif sur palm - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 12-02-2003 à 22:58:38    

en plus d'avoir la meileur suite bureautique sous palm on pourra utiliser directement les fichier office sous palm
on pourra bientôt utliser des documents en natif sur palm
"DataViz Working on Native Office File Formats
Posted by: Ryan on Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:01:11 AM
DataViz has announced new technology that allows people to use documents in native file formats such as Word and Excel on a Palm OS device. This will allow users to create, edit or simply view files in their original Word and Excel format on the handheld itself. DataViz's new technology will be available in summer 2003."


Marsh Posté le 12-02-2003 à 22:58:38   


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