[CDD] INRIA@Lyon Ingénieur sur Grid

INRIA@Lyon Ingénieur sur Grid [CDD] - Annonces d'emplois - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 23-04-2009 à 14:34:37    

Une offre pour un CDD  à l'INRIA à Lyon jusqu'en Décembre 2009 dans le domaine des grilles (globus, EGEE) et des Desktop Grid (BOINC, XtremWeb). Pour ceux qui aiment l'informatique distribué  ;)  
disponible de suite (modulo les contraintes administratives), universitaires bienvenus !
SOFTWARE ENGINEER: EDGeS (Enabling desktop Grid for e-Science http://www.edges-grid.eu/)
Location: LIP/ENS - Lyon (69) FRANCE
Research Team: GRAAL/INRIA
Duration: up to 31 december 2009
Gross salary / month: around 2.5K Euros depending on experience and profile
INRIA, the French national institute for research in computer science and control, is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and technology (ICST). INRIA has a workforce of 3,800 people working throughout its eight research centres established in seven regions of France. The GRAAL team at INRIA Lyon seeks a talented programmer to develop the next-generation distributed computing middleware as part of the EDGeS project. EDGeS is an FP7 European project whose goal is build a Grid infrastructure composed of "Desktop Grid", such as BOINC or XtremWeb, where computing resources are provided by Internet volunteers, and "Service Grid", where computing resources are provided by instutionnal Grid such as EGEE. The goal of the EDGeS project is to provide the technologies to bridge this two kinds of Grids. Our partners include SZTAKI insitute (Hungary), CIEMAT (Spain), Univ Cardiff (UK), Univ Westminster (UK), AlmereGrid (NL), IN2P3 (FR) and more.
Work description:
The programmer will work in a high-tech environment using bleeding edge Grid technologies (EGEE, glite, Globus) to implement a bridge between Service Grid and Desktop Grids. The developper will propose a new architecture to allow efficient and secure data management and data access. This will include understanding the requirement in term of security and performance and propose adequate solution in collaboration with IN2P3, Univ Westminster and SZTAKI institute. The job consists in the following components : implemention of the middleware, evaluation and benchmarking, deployment and maintenance, technical report and administrative duties.
Required Knowledge and Background:
Applicants are required to have at least 3 years of programming in Java and C/C++, and the ability to travel to European sites. Familiarity with Grid systems, security in distributed systems, volunteer computing systems is a plus, though not required. Good knowledge of French and English language is required as well as the ability to write technical report.
Should you need further technical information about this position, please contact : Gilles Fedak

Message édité par jxil le 23-04-2009 à 14:38:05

Marsh Posté le 23-04-2009 à 14:34:37   


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