Texte Anglais

Texte Anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 12-12-2004 à 20:53:45    

Good evening  
Ouep voici mon petit texte :
"Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union expansion
On Saturday, May 1st, 2004, zero hour, ten new countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) and 75 million inhabitants joined the European Union.
This widening of the Union from 15 to 25 was celebrated officially in Dublin during a meeting of the chiefs of state.
It’s a new unit which counts 456 million inhabitants representing 7.2% of the world population (USA is 293 million) and extends over 3 929 712 km ² (USA is 9 631 417 km², for people who like numbers;)
What kind of repercussions will have this European expansion?
We have to distinct 2 kinds of repercussions, the repercussions for the coming countries and the repercussions for the entire Europe:
- The coming countries :  
To be able to join the European Union these countries had to respect several criteria (Copenhagen, June 1993) like:
 To have stable institutions, guaranteeing the democracy.  
 To have a viable market economy.  
 To have the capacity to assume the obligations of the European Union.
So these new countries are now stable as well at the political level as at the economical level.
- The entire Europe :
The extension eastward is comparable with the precedents in terms of mass, but will increase the disparities.
It will bring an important increase of the disparities within the Union: on average, the wealth per capita of these countries is situated below half of the European average. However, the dynamism of these economics pleads for the optimism as for their capacity to converge in the medium term.
On the other hand who says new countries, says new markets. New markets which were before inaccessible are now fully available to investors. There will be thus a creation of wealth.
Among the repercussions, a good numbers of questions remain in suspends, what about the ideological differences between western and eastern European countries? Where are the borders of Europe (the Turkish case)? Social issues  
Heu si vous pouviez y jeter un petit coup d'oeil, juste sur le plan grammatical et syntaxe ;)  
Merci d'avance ;)


Marsh Posté le 12-12-2004 à 20:53:45   


Marsh Posté le 12-12-2004 à 21:37:06    

marko a écrit :

Good evening  
Ouep voici mon petit texte :
"Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union expansion
On Saturday, May 1st, 2004, zero hour, ten new countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) and 75 million inhabitants joined the European Union.
This enlargement of the Union from 15 to 25 was officially celebrated  in Dublin during a meeting of the heads of state.
This new unit now amounts to (is now totalling) 456 million inhabitants, representing 7.2% of the world's population (USA are[b][/b] 293 million) and spreads over 3 929 712 km ² (USA are 9 631 417 km² large, for people enjoying numbers)
What kind of repercussions will it (this European expansion) have ?
We need to make a distinction between 2 kinds of repercussions : repercussions for the new countries entering the Union and repercussions for the whole Europe:
- The new countries :  
To be able to join the European Union these countries had to respect several criteria (Copenhagen, June 1993) such as :
Having stable institutions and guaranteeing democracy.  
Having a viable market economy.  
Having the ability to abide by the obligations of the European Union.
So these new countries are now stable on the political level as well as on the economiclevel.
- The whole Europe :
This extension eastward can be compared to the former ones in terms of mass, but will increase disparities.
It will bring an important increase in disparities within the Union: on average, the wealth per capita of these countries is less than half the European average. However, one can reckon on the dynamism of these economies to be optimistic about their ability to converge in the not-so-long run.
Nevertheless, new countries [b]mean new markets[/b]. New markets which were inaccessible before are now fully available to investors. Thus a creation of wealth.
Among the repercussions, a good number of questions remain hanging : what about the ideological differences between western and eastern European countries? Where are the borders of Europe (the Turkish case)? Social issues  
Heu si vous pouviez y jeter un petit coup d'oeil, juste sur le plan grammatical et syntaxe ;)  
Merci d'avance ;)


Marsh Posté le 12-12-2004 à 21:55:55    

Ouch !  
Ca fait mal !  
Merci Corran !


Marsh Posté le 16-12-2004 à 14:50:14    

marko a écrit :

Among the repercussions, a good numbers of questions remain in suspends, what about the ideological differences between western and eastern European countries? Where are the borders of Europe (the Turkish case)? Social issues  

 :lol:  :lol:  suuperbe... :pt1cable:  :lol:  :D

Message édité par romdesign le 16-12-2004 à 14:50:39

Marsh Posté le 01-01-2005 à 20:28:34    

romdesign a écrit :

:lol:  :lol:  suuperbe... :pt1cable:  :lol:  :D

Oue faut arreter de se moquer ;^p


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