Anglais (présent -> passé)

Anglais (présent -> passé) - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 08-01-2008 à 20:52:12    

coucou !
J'ai quelques phrases au présent a traduire au passé en anglais et j'ai quelques difficultés.  
- Don't say anything, don't do anything until Peter arrive. It's better you will see.
>> He didn't say anithing, he didn't do anything until Peter arrive. It was better, you saw ?
- You should think of your parents when you do this kind of thing. Don't you think so ?
>> You should have thought of yours parents when you did this kind of things. Didn't you think so ? Yes, it was true, you were right.  
- They always want to be right, but is it possible to be right ? Of course, not.
>> They always wanted to be right, but was it possible to be right ? Of course, not.
- In a few days, we will have the visit of the staff manager. Is all ready to be receive him ?
>> A few days ago, we had had the visit of the staff manager. Was all ready to be receive him ?
tu es sure de cette phrase "to be receive him" ... je dis ça comme ça ...
- What is the weather like in Paris ? The weither was nice this week, but today it's very cold.
>> What was the weather like in Paris ? The weather was nice the last week, but yesterday it was very cold.  
Pouvez vous corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?  
Merci d'avance !


Marsh Posté le 08-01-2008 à 20:52:12   


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