Anglais, dialogue

Anglais, dialogue - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 11-12-2008 à 09:36:59    

Bonjour, je dois créer un dialogue en anglais mais je ne suis pas spécialement doué pour la grammaire. Voici mon texte, vous en pensez quoi?
- Good morning Cédric. How are you? I need your help about the network.
- Good morning, i'm fine and you? What's the problem?
- It isn't working. Can you give me advices to resolve the problem?
- The first reason may be that the devices are too far from the PA.
- No, that's not the problem. All devices are near PA.
- So you thought interference?
- I don't know, i need to check it. What kind of electical interference?
- Well, for exemple a pillar of high volatge or a power cable nearby.
- You have a solution?
- Move the PA.
- Where i can move it?
- Put up high, avoid obstructions, it need airflow, but avoided of reflective surfaces.
- Reflective surfaces? What are they?
- Window, mirrors, filing, cabinets, kinds of that.
- I don't want to do this. It is not practical to move the equipment. What are the others solutions?
- Have you a newest or a upgraded softawre?
- New software no, but i have to check about upgrades.
- This could be the third reason, maybe the software is incompatible with network.
- Oh yes, i remember. The last week i have upgraded the software.
- The software can modify the network capacity. You need to uninstall if is incompatible.
- Now, i have a lot of work to do! Thank you.


Marsh Posté le 11-12-2008 à 09:36:59   


Marsh Posté le 12-12-2008 à 19:20:41    

- Good morning Cédric. How are you? I need your help about the network.
-> with the network
- Good morning, i'm fine and you? What's the problem?
- It isn't working. Can you give me advices to resolve the problem?
->advice est un indénombrable, donc il ne se met jamais au pluriel (on ne peut pas non plus dire "an advice" ). Donc ici, on dirait "can you give me some advice", de la même façon qu'on dit "can you give me some water" et non "can you give me waters" ou "a water"
- The first reason may be that the devices are too far from the PA.
- No, that's not the problem. All devices are near PA.
-> je ne sais pas ce que c'est qu'un "PA" mais si tu as utilisé "the" la première fois, je suppose que tu devrais le réutiliser ici.
- So you thought interference?
-> C'est pas très clair, dans un dialogue réel ça poserait pas de problèmes mais pour un devoir, il vaudrait mieux étoffer. Peut-être: "so you think this is caused by interference"...
- I don't know, i need to check it. What kind of electrical interference?
-> je supprimerais le "it"  
- Well, for exemple a pillar of high volatge or a power cable nearby.
- You have a solution?
- Move the PA.
- Where i can move it?
- Put up high, avoid obstructions, it need airflow, but avoided of reflective surfaces.
-> "put up high" : il manque un objet.. => "put it in a high place" ?
- Reflective surfaces? What are they?  
- Windows, mirrors, filing, cabinets, kinds of that.
-> qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "filing"?  
-> "kinds of that" ne veut rien dire selon moi => "this kind of things"
- I don't want to do this. It is not practical to move the equipment. What are the others solutions?
->très important: pas de "s" à "other", qui est un adjectif
- Have you a newest or a upgraded software?
->"an upgraded..."
->"newer" (sinon ce serait "the newest" )
- New software no, but i have to check about upgrades.
-> "new software no": euuh, faudrait peut-être faire un petit effort là.. du genre "I don't have any new softwares"
->la postposition qui accompagne "to check" est à vérifier, je dirais "check for.."
- This could be the third reason, maybe the software is incompatible with network.
->the network
- Oh yes, i remember. The last week i have upgraded the software.
-> "last week" sans le "the"
->upgrade est à mettre au prétérit puisque l'action est révolue et que la date est indiquée.
- The software can modify the network capacity. You need to uninstall it if it is incompatible.
- Now, i have a lot of work to do! Thank you.  
Voilà mon humble contribution  :jap:


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