Anglais, besoin d'aide résumé - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes
Marsh Posté le 29-12-2008 à 11:09:38
tu as fait quoi sur la suite , donne l ensemble que tu as deja fait , les points où tu as du mal
Marsh Posté le 29-12-2008 à 11:16:03
Ben pour les 3 derniers paragraphes
Pour "Much pollution, of course, comes from mainland China. The same handout suggests that the Pearl River Delta is the source of roughly four-fiths of the pollution? But another study by Civic Exchange found that last year local emissions were the main cause of pollution on 192 days and mainland emissions on 132. Only 41 days were fairly low on pollution "
Je ne suis pas sure qu'il faille en parler dans le resumé vu que ce sont deux enquetes differentes qui ne donne pas les memes resultats ?
Pour le deuxieme paragraphe : Many of the polluting factories on the mainland are owned by Honk Kong businesses. It seems that local authorities in China are getting tougher on the worst offenders. But environmentalists believe that Hong Kong's government is not doing enough to persuade mainland local authorities to help : it is "self intimidated" according to Eric Bohm, who heads the local office of WWF, a conservation body
Je ne comprends pas bien le sens du texte . Il dit que la plupart des usines polluantes qui sont sur le territoire chinois sont possédées par HK? "Il semble que les autorités locales de la Chine deviennent plus résistantes sur les plus mauvais contrevenants. Mais les écologistes pensent que le gouvernement de Hong-Kong ne fait pas assez pour persuader les autorités locales du territoire continental d'aider : c'est le "self intimidated"
Malgrè cette" traduction" je ne comprends pas le sens
Marsh Posté le 29-12-2008 à 10:26:15
on me demande de faire le resumé d'un texte en anglais (150 mots) J'ai déjà fait la partie en gras mais jai du mal avec la fin , je ne vois pas ce qu'il y sort d'important , pourriez vous m'aider ? et pour la partie que j'ai déjà faite, est ce correct ou j'ai oublié des élements fondamentaux ?
voici le texte:*
MUCH of the border between the New Territories and China is a stark divide. On one side are tower-blocks and the frenetic building of a modern city; on the other rugged, deserted hillsides interspersed with farmland. Hong Kong's countryside is one of its lesser-known glories. Some 37% of its territory is protected in country parks—a remarkable proportion in one of the world's most densely populated places. The corollary is that most Hong Kongers live in small, high-rise apartments arranged along deep canyons. And their natural environment, they believe, is worsening steadily.
Civic Exchange, a think-tank, sums up a common view in a ten-year review of Hong Kong's environment: “Environmental quality is failing to improve, or even deteriorating in many areas...There is a lack of leadership from the highest level of the government on environmental issues, and a continuing reliance on an infrastructure-led economic model that is exacerbating environmental problems.”
The problem that gets the most attention, and that most shocks returning visitors, is the deterioration of the air quality. Civic Exchange cities an estimate bases on 1996 statistics which put the additional premature deaths per year resulting fromair pollution at 2,000.
Besides such grim numbers, there are two other reasons why air pollution has become such a huge concern. The first is its visibility - in the form of smog, which has become steadily more common. The magnificent views from those soaring skyscrapers in Hong Kong's central district are often shrouded in haze. The second is that this is starting to deter people who have a choice from living in Honk Kong.
The air is as bad as in any rich-world city. Sarah Lio, the government's environment secretary, says the sea breeze often used to save HK from the effects of filling the atmosphere with so many poisons. But now "we have got to the stage where nature says 'no-can-do' .. We are swimming in a constant chemical soup."
A government handout insists that "improving air quality tops the government's agenda. And Ms Liao gives an impressive list of iniatives, including trying to change individual behaviour. She has been urging building managers to turn up the thermostats on their air-conditioning, and drivers to turn off idling car engines . Now she is contemplating legislation. Emission caps have been imposed on power companies and Ms Liao says that in the negociations to set new electricity tariffs from next year, pollution control will be as important as volume generated. Already, all taxis and half the minibuses have been converted to run on less polluting LPG.
Much pollution, of course, comes from mainland China. The same handout suggests that the Pearl River Delta is the source of roughly four-fiths of the pollution? But another study by Civic Exchange found that last year local emissions were the main cause of pollution on 192 days and mainland emissions on 132. Only 41 days were fairly low on pollution
Many of the polluting factories on the mainland are owned by Honk Kong businesses. It seems that local authorities in China are getting tougher on the worst offenders. But environmentalists believe that Hong Kong's government is not doing enough to persuade mainland local authorities to help : it is "self intimidated" according to Eric Bohm, who heads the local office of WWF, a conservation body
Mr Bohm says the government has decided green groups are "anti-development". Despite its denials, it is also widely believed to see air pollution as an expatriate's concern, at odds with the hunger of local people for growth. And Donald Tsang's "legitimacy deficit" lays him open to the charge that he is more concerned about the interests of the local businessmen who helped to elect him than those of the average breather
Voici le resumé de la partie en gras :
Hong Kong's natural environment has been gradually worsening.
One of the main issues is the deterioration of the air quality which causes thousands of deaths every year. The pollution level is so high that a light smog blurs the view of skyscrapers, visibility has been getting really poor. Many locals leave their country because of these issues.
Improving the air quality is the first objective of the government. To achieve that, several actions have been taken. The main one is to change individual behaviours. For instance, office managers have been asked to turn up their AC thermostats' and car drivers to turn off their idling engines.
Merci d'avance..