[s300+] activation du profile main libre

activation du profile main libre [s300+] - GPS / PDA - Technologies Mobiles

Marsh Posté le 03-04-2007 à 13:44:00    

nouveau possesseur du s300+, j'ai un seul petit problème : la connection avec mon autoradio buetooth pioneer.
En fait si j'active le profile main libre depuis le s300+ ca marche mais l'autoradio n'arrive pas a se connecter tout seul (ça marchait très bien avant avec le SE K750!)
Lorsque je lance la recherche du téléphone -> il semble invisible alors que l'option "rendre ce perif visible..." est bien cochée.
Existe t il un moyen de créer un raccourcit pour activer le profil main libre depuis le bureau en attendant qu'une prochaine ROM corrige le petit bug bluetooth?


Marsh Posté le 03-04-2007 à 13:44:00   


Marsh Posté le 04-04-2007 à 15:14:45    

Apres qques heures de recherches j'ai trouvé ca et ca marche :
I've got exacly the same problem with a Vario II and a Pioneer DEH-P75BT. After a lot of email's and phonecalls with pioneer in the Netherlands, they came everytime back with the answer "Your phone is not on the supported models list". Yea i knew that already.
Before my Vario II is always used a SDA without problems. I discovered that when i select hands free from the vario itself, it pairs without problems. The radio just have some problems with discovering the Vario II.
The problem:
The vario II identifies itself as a PDA bluetooth device. The pioneer modules are searching for a phone or smartphone, so it just ignores the Vario II.
Change the COD (Class of Device) from a PDA device to a smartphone device.
This can be done this way:
1. First make sure you've got a backup, or remember all settings you change in the registry.
2. Edit with a registry editor the following key:
By default my vario II does have the value: 1048852 (decimal)
Change this to: 5374476 (decimal).
3. Soft restart your device
4. Voila! Your device now identifies itself as a smartphone, and my pioneer unit finds it without problems."
Si ca peut servir a qqu'un...


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