Supprimer les messages

Supprimer les messages - Iphone & Ipod - Apple

Marsh Posté le 23-03-2014 à 23:03:38    

salut après avoir effacé tous mes messages, dans utilisation le tel me marque que j'ai 448 Mo de messages enregistrés  [:delarue5]  
j'ai trouvé ça sur internet qui correspond exactement  mon problème :
donc pour résumé :
Firstly you DO NOT have to do a factory reset / wipe device, it is simply not required to get the space back!!
Mine had 3GB and I just got rid of it all, here is how:
Make a backup in iTunes
open iBackupBot (Google it)
Go to the relevant backup
Click on Multimedia File Manager and click on the other Multimedia files tab
Sort by filename by clicking the Filename tab
Find MediaDomain/Library/SMS/Attachments and highlight all of them, then press delete.  You can also click to export to a folder of your choice, if you want to save them that is.  
Then go to System Files>MediaDomain>Library>SMS>Attachments
They will be all listed here, highlight them all and press delete
Then just restore that backup using iTunes!  
  Tadaa! Space recovered, your messages are still there but without the attachments! METHOD TWO:
Backup your device in iTunes and then to iCloud
Go to Settings>iCloud and toggle Documents & Data to OFF
Then do a 2nd backup to iTunes and iCloud
Then restore the device from iCloud and the message attachments should be gone, turn Documents & Data back on again in the settings
PLEASE NOTE: Method two is a much longer process but some users may feel more comfortable with this method.
P.S You may want to make two backups in case you get any of the above steps wrong, but it is simple to follow the above and not do anything wrong!
P.P.S You could also just go through every single conversation and delete the attachments one by one, but if you have hundreds or thousands of attachments, this will take a VERY LONG TIME!!!
J'ai juste besoin d'aide car je suis nul en anglais et j'ai peur de faire des bêtises...
Merci d'avance


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2014 à 23:03:38   


Marsh Posté le 24-03-2014 à 10:50:10    



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