[XP]logon screen

logon screen [XP] - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:08:49    

bah voila j'i fiat une recherche, mais j'ai rien trouve pour créer ses propres logon screen, quelqu'un saurait ou je peux trouver ca ?


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:08:49   


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:11:14    

Tu trouveras tous les renseignements utiles ICI

Resolution of Censure

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:12:34    

tu devrais trouver ton bonheur


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:13:38    

tou è tro rapidé mon fils


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:14:32    

bah je suis miro ou y a rien pour créer ses logon screen :??:


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:15:47    

ton image tu la crée à part et tu l'exploite avec le logiciel.


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:16:08    

Il y a déjà Logon Loader qui te permettra de lancer un logo de ton choix
le reste est expliqué sur le site (taille image entre autre)

Resolution of Censure

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:16:29    

tou è tro rapidé osi ;)

Resolution of Censure

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:17:49    

oula j'ai du mal ce soir...


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:21:41    

un autre lien si tu veux
http://www.xp-erience.org/sections [...] &artid=129
How to Create your own Login Screens
How to make your own Login Screens.
The Tools
1. Resource Hacker - decompiler/recompiler. Great Tool is to use and Free
2. Graphics image Editor - Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop - i will be useing Photoshop for this guide.
3. XPLogMod - XP LogMod is FREE & provides fast and easy management changing of multiple LogonUI screens to help your computer come to life! .. very handy and saves a lot of time ... you can visit their homepage
Lets get started -
1. Make a Directory for your Project
2. Fire up photoshop. Make a canvas size the same as your PC screen resolution - eg. 1152 x 864.
3. Grab a piece of paper and approx mark where you will have the buttons and logon icons.
4. Make your background, totally how you want it. The scale of your image should not be any bigger than Width 507pixels and Height 615pixels.
5. Save your image as the standard photoshop file = .psd into your Login Directory you made.
ResHacking time.
1. Go to c:\windows\system32\logonui.exe and right click on it COPY.
2. Paste it into the Login Directory you made with the background.
3. Start Resource hacker up - Use the menu - File > Open and select the copy of logonui.exe .
4. Ok now its open you will see all kinds of wonderful things :)
A directory tree in the left pane, and a blank one to the right. The directory tree should contain the directories UIFILE, Bitmap, String Table, and Version Info.
5. Click on the bitmap Directory - you will see folders, numbered on-and-off from 100 though 127. All these contain images related to the login screen.
The Folder Details:
100 ? background image  
102 ? password entry field  
103 ? arrow button  
104 ? arrow button rollover  
105 ? help button  
106 ? help button rollover  
107 ? power button  
108 ? rollup arrow  
109 ? scroll down arrow  
110 ? scroll up arrow  
111 ? scrollbar  
112 ? selected user bubble  
113 ? icon square  
114 ? default icon  
119 ? highlighted icon square  
121 ? power button rollover  
122 ? rollup button rollover  
123 ? Image displayed on left panel
124 ? vertical line  
125 ? line @ top of screen  
126 ? line @ bottom of screen  
127 ? Image displayed in center of screen during shutdown.
6. Click on the folder labeled 112; right click on the image and select ?Save Resource?. This will prompt you to save the BMP image?save it as ?112.bmp? in your logon directory.
112 = This is the image that?s displayed in the background when you click a user?s icon and are prompted to enter their password.
Have a look at it.
7. Open 112.bmp with Photoshop and edit it to how you want it to look. Save as 112.bmp
8. Switch back into ResHack and repeat this process for any other images you wish to modify, using the chart above ? this way you can change icons and things.  
9. Save each image as the name of the directory it cam from and all must be .bmp file extension.
Ok once your all done .. lets move on
Switch back into ResHack and repeat this process for any other images you wish to modify, using the chart above ? this way you can change icons and such.
Res Hacking
1. Open ResHacker & open the folder of logonui.exe called ?UIFILE?. Open the folder called ?1000?, and then click on the file called ?1033?.  
2. It looks blank at first, but if you scroll down about 1/2 of the way, you?ll start to see the code ? the CODE you see is what powers your logon.
3. The style tags you see represents an object in the design, what color it is, and where it is placed.
4. At the beginning of each tag, where the code reads ?resid=?, whatever follows the ?=? sign is the object being defined. The first object, ?framess?, is the main background ? if you read further into its style tag, you can see where it specifies the image to be read: 112 follows the rcbmp command. After the background, toppanelss and bottompanelss represent the two borders at the top and bottom of the screen in each WinXP logon.  
Any style tag that includes a line containing ?rgb(X,X,X)? is a color value that you can define. If your logon uses the colors yellow and black, for instance, you may want to change the RGB color values for styles to the RGB color equivalent of yellow. The code would then read ?rgb(255,216,0)?. Make sure not put spaces after the commas that separate the numbers.
5. Use Adobe photoshop pallette to work out the colors or use this chart online .
6. Password boxes ( last two paragraphs) - Until you become competent and know about X and Y axis leave these alone and concentrate on the images.
7. The contents of folders 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 all contain the messages found around XP logons ? from welcome messages to those displayed for password errors.  
Changing the Default Text.
1. Click on the folder called "String" in res hacker.  
2. Only change Text with inverted commas. For example 11. "Turn off computer" eg. change to Shutdown.
3. Change them to whatever you want.
4. Go through the rest of the rest and change them, I dont recommend changing to many, stick to the ones for the Login. -- %s = computer name.
Put together
Youve made it this far, time to put all the hard work together. We do this by putting the graphics we created into the Login.exe.
1. Choose Action > Replace Bitmap from the toolbar. When the window pops up, click through the list to the right (make sure you?ve got the right one in the preview pane) and then select what you want to replace it with by clicking ?open file with new bitmap?.  
2. For example Put your image into 112 directory and so on, thats why its important to name your folders :)
3. Once all thats done select File > save.
If you have any problems head to the forums where we will be glad to help --
Fire up XPLogMod then select yout Logon Screen and put it to use.
To test it - Logoff .... winkey + L
Wahooooooooo All done .. easy huh
Written by: Razor111 for XP-erience.org
Advanced Section :
Once you are comfortable with the above you can also try these tutorials below:
Moving the Account Areas: Login box... etc
1. In reshacker go back to the folder UIFILE and click on it.
2. Find the code where i have put BOLD comments next to. : Note : do not put the comments in yours :)
Client basically means centre.
<logonframe resid=main id=atom(frame) sheet=styleref(framess) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=client>
<element id=atom(contentcontainer) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=client>
<element id=atom(bottompanel) sheet=styleref(bottompanelss) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=bottom>
<element id=atom(options) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=client>
<element layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=left>
<button id=atom(power) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=top accessible=true accRole=43 accName=rcstr(11)>
<element layoutpos=left content=rcbmp(107,3,-1,26rp,26rp,0,0) />
<element id=atom(label) layoutpos=client margin=rect(2rp,0,0,0)/>
<button id=atom(undock) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=top margin=rect(0,2rp,0,0) accessible=true accRole=43 accName=rcstr(14)>
<element layoutpos=left content=rcbmp(108,3,-1,26rp,26rp,0,0)/>
<element id=atom(label) layoutpos=client margin=rect(2rp,0,0,0)/>
<element id=atom(instruct) layoutpos=right content=rcstr(25) width=325rp/>
<element id=atom(contentcontainer0) layout=filllayout() layoutpos=client> Change client to left or right
<element id=atom(contentcontainer1) layout=flowlayout(1,3,2,3) layoutpos=client>
<element id=atom(leftpanel) sheet=styleref(leftpanelss) layout=filllayout() layoutpos=left>
<element id=atom(logoarea) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,3,3,2)>
<element id=atom(product) contentalign=topright content=rcbmp(123,0,0,0,0,0,0)/>
<element id=atom(help) contentalign=wrapright width=0rp padding=rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,0rp)/>
<element id=atom(msgarea) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2) >
<element layout=filllayout() width=0rp>
<element id=atom(welcomeshadow) content=rcstr(7)/>
<element id=atom(welcome) content=rcstr(7)/>
<element id=atom(contentcontainer2) layout=flowlayout(1,3,2,3) layoutpos=client> Change client to bottom or top
<element id=atom(rightpanel) sheet=styleref(rightpanelss) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=client width=384rp>
<scrollviewer id=atom(scroller) sheet=styleref(scroller) layoutpos=client xscrollable=false margin=rect(26rp,0rp,0rp,0rp)>
<selector id=atom(accountlist) sheet=styleref(accountlistss) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,3,3,2)/>
Making Transparent Images:
To make your images transparent you will have to create them using this color: RGB values are (255,0,255). The bitmap needs to be 24 bit with 8 bit alpha
background: rcbmp(125,6,#FF00FF,0,0,1,0);
This color [#FF00FF] can be used for transparent bitmaps.
Ensure [#FF00FF] is in the code making the be transparent to the background.
eg. Replacing bitmap 112 with the above transparency the line of code of 112 must have #FF00FF in it.
background: rcbmp(125,6,#FF00FF,0,0,1,0);

Resolution of Censure

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:21:41   


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2002 à 23:22:32    

ok je lache l'affaire  :D


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