VNC - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:10:20    

Wingate est installé sur le server, il partage la connection internet, je voudrais savoir quel est le port à utiliser pour permettre l'utilisation du viewer de VNC pour me connection à une machine distante via internet.


Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:10:20   


Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:13:28    

Voila ce que dit la FAQ de leur site :
Which TCP/IP ports does VNC use?  
A VNC server listens on two ports. The exact port numbers depend on the VNC display number, because a single machine may run multiple servers. The most important one is 59xx, where xx is the display number. The VNC protocol itself runs over this port. So for most PC servers, the port will be 5900, because they use display 0 by default.
In addition, VNC servers normally have a small and very restricted web server built in, which allows you to connect a browser to them and use the Java viewer. This runs on port 58xx. Note that this is the HTTP port used for downloading pages and applets, but once the applet is running it uses 59xx for VNC just like any other viewer.  
The servers can be changed to listen on other ports if, for any reason, these are not suitable for you. See the server's documentation for more details. Most of the viewers, if given a display number larger than 99, will interpret it as a direct port number and will not add 5900. See also the next question.
If you are running a viewer in 'listening' mode, where it accepts connections initiated by the server, it will listen for incoming VNC on port 5500.


Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:16:10    

Pour se connecter via le WEB:
http://Ton_serveur:5800 !

Life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you gonna get.

Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:17:57    

Ben apparement oui  ;)


Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 10:50:47    

Merci bcp :)
je ne savais pas ke VNC marchait aussi par le Web, c beau !
Thx a lot


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