scanner des FTP

scanner des FTP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 07-01-2002 à 12:26:06    

Est ce qu'il existe un util qui permet de lister le contenu de sites ftp sans avoir a se taper un a un tous les sous-repertoires ????
merci :)


Marsh Posté le 07-01-2002 à 12:26:06   


Marsh Posté le 07-01-2002 à 14:38:08    

a croire que bocoups on jamais compris l'interet des moteurs de recherche
Have you ever experienced problems browsing a ftp? Have you ever searched for a file without any success? FTP Lister helps you locating a file. The program is quite easy, just add an hostname, the username, login and then start the process! A few minuts later, you'll have an html file with the names of all files present on the FTP.  
This version is less buggy than the first public release. There is probably still some bugs, but most of you won't find any ;).  
Happy scanning!


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