récupération d'une partition PqRP, partition foutu en l'air par PQ7.0 - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 02-05-2003 à 10:39:43
J'espère que tu lis un peu l'anglais
il faut utiliser ptedit, ou ptedit32 qui est fourni avec PM7
To fix a PQRPI with PTEDIT:
1. Run PTEDIT.
2. Locate the PQRP (partition type 3C). (If the PQRP occurred on a logical partition, click on GoToEPBR to locate the correct partition.)
3. Click in the Type field where the 3C is located.
4. Click Set Type. A list of available partition types will be displayed.
5. Select the appropriate partition type (e.g., FAT32 if the partition type was FAT32 before the PQRPI, etc).
6. Save the changes and exit.
If the system does not boot properly at this point, run a directory of the drive and make sure that it does not have one entry denoted as DYN_ROOT. This simply indicates that the original root directory has been relocated and in most cases can be restored. If the directory appears as ASCII or unrecognized characters, the partition is likely corrupt and cannot be recovered.
Note: If the directory appears as a DYN_ROOT, do not SYS the drive. Modifications made to the drive while in this state can affect the probability of recovery. Contact PowerQuest Technical Support.
Problem Description:
Fixing a PQRPI with PTEDIT
Problem Description:
Partition type 3C
Problem Environment:
PartitionMagic Pro
Cause(s) of the problem
If an operation has been interrupted, or a power outage occurs during the execution of a PartitionMagic process, the partition type may appear as a PQRPI (PowerQuest Recoverable Partition Indicator). PQRPIs occur when the partition type indicator could not be returned to its original value. In most cases the data is recoverable by returning the partition type indicator to its original value. However in some cases, depending on when the operation was interrupted, the data is corrupt and cannot be recovered gracefully.
Marsh Posté le 02-05-2003 à 10:43:08
C'est du soft.
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2003 à 21:11:20
Salut à tous,
Mon partionnement sous pq magic 7.0 à foiré et j'ai une partition qu'est en PqRP et qui ne peut plus être lu sous windows quelqu'un sait comment on peut la récupérer, c'est vraiment important 20 GO de MP3 de foutu en l'air toute ma musique snif...
j'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider.