Edonkey... pas de connection...

Edonkey... pas de connection... - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 22-11-2001 à 07:48:33    

Bha  voila, c simple, j'ai installé Edonkey... 5.7 il me semble, bref la derniere version de leur site, et j'arrive pas a me connecter.
Comme page d'accueil j'ai
This is the latest version of eDonkey2000.  
Please register to support the donkey and get the banner free version.
Read the help and the FAQ then post inquiries and bugs in the forum.  
Defragmenting your HD should reduce hash times.
Voila... du coup bha ://


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2001 à 07:48:33   


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