awstats et serveur apache - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 19-01-2002 à 23:07:58
Marsh Posté le 20-01-2002 à 09:12:51
Marsh Posté le 20-01-2002 à 10:55:23
c bon les Stat marche je vous remeercie mème si personne a posté vu que c le weekend c t juste une erreur sur 1 / voila
Marsh Posté le 19-01-2002 à 21:27:42
mais j'ai un petit soucis avec le fichier awstats.conf
si parmis vous un gars bien sympas pouvais m'envoyer un model de son fichier ça marangerais pour comprendre où ça bloque
voila ce que j'ai en retour quand je lance la commande
----- awstats 3.2 (build 84) (c) Laurent Destailleur -----
awstats is a free web server logfile analyzer to show you advanced web
awstats comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It's a free software distributed
with a GNU General Public License (See LICENSE file for details).
Syntax: -config=virtualhostname [options]
This runs awstats in command line to update statistics of a web site, from
the log file defined in config file, and/or returns a HTML report.
First, awstats tries to read awstats.virtualhostname.conf as the config file.
If not found, awstats tries to read awstats.conf
Config files must be in /etc/opt/awstats, /etc/awstats, /etc or same
directory than file.
See AWStats documentation for all setup instrutions.
Options to update statistics:
-update to update statistics (default)
-showsteps to add benchmark information every 5000 lines processed
-showcorrupted to add output for each corrupted lines found with reason
Be care to process log files in chronological order when updating statistics.
Options to show statistics:
-output to output a HTML report (no update made except if -update is set)
-lang=LL to output a HTML report in language LL (en,de,es,fr,it,nl,...)
-month=MM to output a HTML report for an old month=MM
-year=YYYY to output a HTML report for an old year=YYYY
Warning: Those 'date' options doesn't allow you to process old log file.
It only allows you to see a report for a chosen month/year period instead
of current month/year.
Other options:
-debug=X to add debug informations lesser than level X
Now supports/detects:
Reverse DNS lookup
Number of visits, unique visitors, list of last visits
Hosts list and unresolved IP addresses list
Days of week and rush hours
Authenticated users
Viewed and entry pages
Type of files and Web compression
259 domains/countries
72 browsers
28 operating systems
287 robots
57 search engines (and keyphrases/keywords used from them)
All HTTP errors
Report by day/month/year
And a lot of other advanced options...
New versions and FAQ at
[edtdd]--Message édité par Zoub31--[/edtdd]
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