analyse charge du réseau

analyse charge du réseau - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 10:40:01    

existe-t-il un soft linux de préf. mais sinon win permettant de voir l'occupation de la bande passante d'un LAN par les différentes machines qui le composent ?
je veux dire par là un truc graphique (si poss.) où l'on voit distinctement la gourmandise de certains utilisateurs :D

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 10:40:01   


Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 11:15:18    


As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 14:37:45    

:bounce: (c'est pour une bonne cause... :D )

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 15:44:32    

ca existe oui...
mais j'ai plus le nom en tete! :o
enfin c'etait un truc qui tournait sous NT4.
c'est un analyser reseau soft, payant, celui  dont je parle...
pas tres precis, oui je sais.. :o

le sabre japonais--  

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 15:46:01    

sous Win NetXray est bien sympa ...

--------------- [HardFr]

Marsh Posté le 01-05-2001 à 16:51:29    

cool des réponses ;)
je checke de suite ! merci

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

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