je n'arrive plus a réduire mes fenetres sous windows...

je n'arrive plus a réduire mes fenetres sous windows... - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 27-11-2006 à 11:38:39    

Quand je reduit une fenetre sous windows elle ne se dispose plus dans la barre des taches, elle disparait, qqn a t il la solution?


Marsh Posté le 27-11-2006 à 11:38:39   


Marsh Posté le 27-11-2006 à 11:46:05    

Help the aged
One time they were just like you:
Using a computer without any clue.
Help the aged
Don't let them die with their computer at home:
Can't get much fun with it on their own
Give a hand, if you can,  
Cause they can't do anything
With a mouse in their hand
They have such a lonely face
In the meantime we try
Try to manage to use a personnal computer
No big deal, just go and buy a guide
It's funny how you can find your way
It's funny how you caaaaan, you can find you way.
(Ceci était bien entendu un hommage non déguisé à Jarvis)

Message édité par kimura le 27-11-2006 à 11:50:21

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