Mes Images,Mes Videos, My Ebooks : Stop !

Mes Images,Mes Videos, My Ebooks : Stop ! - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 08-03-2004 à 15:21:01    

Voila pour info. une astuce intéressante :
How can I stop the My eBooks, My Videos, and My Music subfolders
from appearing in the My Documents folder in Windows XP and later?
A. Each new version of Windows seems to add a new set of subfolders to
the My Documents folder. If you delete these subfolders, Windows will
automatically recreate them the next time you log on. To stop Windows
from creating these subfolders every time, perform the following
   1. From the Start menu, select Run, enter the command
regsvr32 /u mydocs.dll
to unregister the .dll file, then click OK.
   2. Navigate to My Documents, then delete the automatically created
folders that you no longer want to appear.
The steps above disable the My Documents functions, so if your system
is missing some functionality, you'll need to reregister mydocs.dll.
If you want to reregister the .dll file, perform the above steps again
but use the command
regsvr32 mydocs.dll


Marsh Posté le 08-03-2004 à 15:21:01   


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