Problème Background IE vs FireFox ... (Background-Attachement)

Problème Background IE vs FireFox ... (Background-Attachement) - HTML/CSS - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 04-09-2004 à 14:52:48    

Donc voila je vous explique le problème:
Tout d'abord 2 screenshot:
- Mauvais FireFox
- Bon FireFox
Ce problème vient lorsque je met (Mauvais FireFox):
Hors a ce moment le background est bien postionné sous IE :D
Inversement si j'enleve (Bon FireFox):
J'arrive pas a trouvé un entre 2 ...

Code :
  1. Voila la partie du code CSS concernant cette div:
  2. div.org_contenu{
  3. position:relative;
  4. width:555px;
  5. height:430px;
  6. z-index:2;
  7. float:left;
  8. background-image:url(../images/logo_fdp.jpg);
  9. background-position:center center;
  10. background-repeat:no-repeat;
  11. visibility: visible;
  12. overflow:auto;
  13. }

Message édité par CocoRambo le 04-09-2004 à 14:57:14

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Marsh Posté le 04-09-2004 à 14:52:48   


Marsh Posté le 04-09-2004 à 22:10:16    

C'est parce que tu te plantes sur le fonctionnement normal de fixed.
Background-attachement: fixed, ca attache l'image au viewpoint, pas au block, et ca ne l'affiche que sous le bloc.
En clair, le coin haut gauche de ton image se place dans le coin haut gauche de ton browser (de ta page) et tout est caché excepté sous le div
donc t'as l'impression que c'est décalé à gauche, car tu veux l'attacher au div et non à la page.
Et c'est MSIE qui l'interprète mal
Voici une meilleur explication de background-attachement: fixed

Citation :

Despite some claims to the contrary, IE6/Win's rendering of this page is not correct, as it (as well as some other browsers) doesn't correctly support background-attachment: fixed for any element other than the body. That makes it impossible to pull off the intended effect. Other browsers may or may not get the effect right.
According to CSS, any background image that is "fixed" using background-attachment: fixed; is fixed with respect to the viewport-- not the element with which the image is associated. So I set the blue-shell background image to be aligned with the top left corner of the browser window (the viewport) with the values given for background-position. However, the image will only be visible wherever is intersects with the element to which it's been assigned. Therefore, even though the top left corner of the blue-shell image is aligned with the top left corner of the viewport, we can only see it wherever it intersects with a div that has an id with a value of content (which, again, happens to be the one containing this text).


I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing?

Marsh Posté le 06-09-2004 à 00:11:36    

Donc en fait comment réaliser cette effet sans utilisé Fixed ???

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Marsh Posté le 07-09-2004 à 07:38:57    

Plz help :D

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