BDE libre? [Delphi] - Delphi/Pascal - Programmation
Marsh Posté le 27-07-2002 à 15:12:52
T'as une license Delphi ? (pro ou entreprise ?)
Marsh Posté le 27-07-2002 à 15:15:54
Borland Database Engine and SQL Links
Deployment README File
This file provides information on deploying the Borland
Database Engine (BDE) and/or SQL Links. We recommend you
read the entire contents of this file prior to deploying
the BDE or SQL Links.
Availability of SQL Links is dependent on the specific
Borland development product used. For instance, SQL Links
is included with the Enterprise editions Borland
programming tools, but not the Professional editions.
Consult the documentation of the particular Borland product
used to see whether SQL Links is included.
1.1 General Requirements
1.2 Royalties
1.3 Limitations on Redistribution
3.1 Deploying the BDE
3.2 BDE Redistributable Files
3.3 Partial BDE Installs
3.1 Deploying SQL Links
3.2 SQL Links Redistributable Files
3.3 Database Server Client Software
1.1 General Requirements
Database applications that use the Borland Database Engine
(BDE) to effect database access require that the BDE be
deployed with the application. The BDE may be deployed in
whole or in part (see "3.3 Partial BDE Installs" ).
Installing only part of the BDE allows you to reduce the
disk space footprint of the BDE by providing only those
parts the application actually needs.
A database application that uses SQL Links to effect
connection with SQL databases requires that both the BDE
and SQL Links be distributed with the application. See
"4.1 Deploying SQL Links" for more information on dis-
tributing SQL Links.
When deploying the BDE or SQL Links with an application,
you must use InstallShield Express or another Borland-
certified installation program to install the BDE or SQL
Links. See "2. Certified Installation Programs" for more
information. In addition to satisfying this legal
requirement, using a certified installation program also:
* Ensures that all Windows Registry entries required for
proper functioning of the BDE are made.
* Provides version checking so that a newer version of
the BDE is not overwritten with an earlier one.
* Prevents botched installs from interfering with other
BDE-using applications, including Borland products.
1.2 Royalties
No royalties or other per-installation fees are required
for the redistribution of the BDE or SQL Links with
applications. Further, you are not limited in the number of
times the BDE and SQL Links may be redistributed.
1.3 Limitations on Redistribution
The BDE and SQL Links may only be redistributed with
applications created using Borland programming tools, and
then only for the purpose of use with these applications.
See the file LICENSE.TXT file for the BDE-using Borland
programming tool used for more information.
Borland products which include redistribution rights
include an Borland-certified install program, such as
InstallShield Express, to ensure proper installation and
uninstallation of your applications so that they co-exist
well with other applications which use the Borland Database
Engine (BDE) including those created with Visual dBASE,
Paradox, Delphi, and C++Builder.
Borland has also provided BDE and SQL Links installation
information to other install vendors such as Sax Software,
WISE Software, Great Lakes Business Systems (GLBS) makers
of the WISE install tool and Eschalon Development so that
their products can also be ensured to be fully compatible
with the BDE.
From time to time, Borland Software Corporation may,
at its discretion, certify additional installation programs
for use as the Borland Certified Install Program for this
product. To obtain a current list of Borland-certified
install programs, check the Borland Web site at the URL: [...] tinst.html
Also check the Borland-sponsored announcement newsgroups:
3.1 Deploying the BDE
A Borland-certified installation program provides all
needed functionality and steps for redistributing the
Borland Database Engine (BDE), including:
* Selecting files to redistribute
* Determining final directory locations
* Comparing versions of BDE files
* Creation of BDE aliases
Follow the instructions of the particular installation
program used for specific steps to create an installation
program that includes the BDE.
3.2 BDE Redistributable Files
When creating the installation program for a BDE-using
application, Borland-certified installation programs allow
selection of only those BDE files that can be
redistributed. So the ability to select a given file is
indication that the particular file can legally be
BDE files that may be redistributed with an application
include those listed below. Not all files are included in
the BDE for all Borland programming tools. Not all files
are required for any given installation (see "3.3 Partial
BDE Installs" ).
Core BDE Files
IDASCI32.DLL For accessing ASCII files
IDBAT32.DLL For batch movement of data
IDDA3532.DLL For accessing Microsoft Access databases
IDDAO32.DLL For accessing Microsoft Access databases
IDDBAS32.DLL For accessing dBASE databases
IDDR32.DLL For Data Repository (Paradox only)
IDODBC32.DLL For BDE access to ODBC drivers
IDPDX32.DLL For accessing Paradox databases
IDQBE32.DLL QBE query engine
IDR20009.DLL BDE resources
IDAPI32.DLL Main BDE system DLL
IDSQL32.DLL SQL query engine (including local SQL)
IDPROV32.DLL For MIDAS providers
Language Driver Files
BANTAM.DLL Internationalization engine
*.CVB Character set conversion files
*.BTL Locales
BLW32.DLL Expression engine
Files for Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)
DISP.DLL MTS dispensor DLL
Auxiliary Tools/Utilities
BDEADMIN.* BDE Administrator utility
DATAPUMP.* Data Pump data migration tool
NOTE: For SQL Links redistributable files, see section "4.2
SQL Links Redistributable Files" below.
3.3 Partial BDE Installs
You may optionally install only a subset of the Borland
Database Engine (BDE) with applications. This reduces the
overall size of the BDE installation as you only
redistribute the parts of the BDE an application actually
needs. For example, if the application only uses dBASE
tables, you can limit the parts of the BDE distributed to
just the BDE files that are absolutely needed for accessing
dBASE files.
A subset installation of the BDE is controlled by Install-
Shield Express (or other Borland-certified installation
program). Options during the install script design phase
guide you through a partial BDE redistribution (just as
with a full BDE install). See the on-line Help of the
particular installation program used for specific details
on defining a partial BDE redistribution using that
installation program.
You may also refer to the Borland Web site at the URL below
for further information:
Note that since we allow deployment of BDE files and
subsets using an Borland-certified installation program, we
do not otherwise allow deployment of individual BDE files.
4.1 Deploying SQL Links
A Borland-certified installation program provides all
needed functionality and steps for redistributing SQL
Links, including:
* Selecting files to redistribute
* Determining final directory locations
* Comparing versions of SQL Links files
Follow the instructions of the particular installation
program used for specific steps to create an installation
program the includes SQL Links.
4.2 SQL Links Redistributable Files
You may redistribute the following files in accordance with
the license agreement for this product:
SQLINT32.DLL InterBase SQL Links driver
SQL_INT.CNF Default BDE configuration file for INT
SQL Links
For other files associated with InterBase deployment,
consult the InterBase documentation.
SQLORA32.DLL Oracle 7 SQL Links driver
SQL_ORA.CNF Default BDE configuration file for ORA
SQL Links (Oracle 7)
SQLORA8.DLL Oracle 8 SQL Links driver
SQL_ORA8.CNF Default BDE configuration file for ORA8
SQL Links (Oracle 8)
Sybase Db-Lib
SQLSYB32.DLL Sybase Db-Lib SQL Links driver
SQL_SYB.CNF Default BDE configuration file for SYB
Db-Lib SQL Links
Sybase Ct-Lib
SQLSSC32.DLL Sybase Ct-Lib SQL Links driver
SQL_SSC.CNF Default BDE configuration file for SYB
Ct-Lib SQL Links
Microsoft SQL Server
SQLMSS32.DLL Microsoft SQL Server SQL Links driver
SQL_MSS.CNF Default BDE configuration file for MSS
SQL Links
SQLINF32.DLL Informix 7 SQL Links driver
SQL_INF.CNF Default BDE configuration file for INF
SQL Links (Informix 7)
SQLINF9.DLL Informix 9 SQL Links driver
SQL_INF9.CNF Default BDE configuration file for INF
SQL Links (Informix 9)
SQLDB232.DLL DB/2 version 2.x SQL Links driver
SQL_DB2.CNF Default BDE configuration file for DB/2
version 2.x SQL Links
SQLDB2V5.DLL DB/2 V5 (UDB) SQL Links driver
SQL_DBV5.CNF Default BDE configuration file for DB/2
V5 (UDB) SQL Links
NOTE: For BDE redistributable files, see section "3.2 BDE
Redistributable Files" above.
3.3 Database Server Client Software
In addition to SQL Links files, client/server applications
require client files for interface to communication proto-
cols (such as TCP/IP). These client software files are part
of the database server system, are NOT part of nor bundled
with SQL Links, and are supplied by the SQL database system
vendor. Client software comes with SQL database server
software, so if you have the database server software you
will most likely also have the client software. Refer to
your database administrator (DBA) or server documentation
for specific information on installing client software.
When the Borland Database Engine (BDE) is installed with a
deployed BDE-using application, the configuration utility
BDE Administrator is also installed. Its use with deployed
applications is authorized.
Unless otherwise noted, all materials provided in this
release are Copyright 1983 - 2001 by
Borland Software Corporation.
========================= END =============================
Marsh Posté le 27-07-2002 à 16:38:32
le bde va être abandonné bientôt... donc si c'est un programme qui doit être modifié dans le futur, tu devrais utiliser une autre technologie
Marsh Posté le 27-07-2002 à 20:11:39
os2 a écrit a écrit : le bde va être abandonné bientôt... donc si c'est un programme qui doit être modifié dans le futur, tu devrais utiliser une autre technologie |
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 17:24:03
avec ça ton appli peut aisément fonctionner sous win et linux avec
sinon tu peux utiliser les composants ibx (interbase) fonctionne sous win et linux
sinon si ta bd n'est pas énorme, je te conseille MyBase...
tu utilises les clientsdatasets tu peux enregistrer ça en xml
c'est portable win et linux et c'est très simple à mettre en place
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 17:49:35
Sinon y a aussi ADO. Le seul gros avantage que je lui trouve c'est que depuis Windows 98 et NT4 SP4 il est fourni avec Windows, donc rien à redistribuer contrairement à BDE...
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 19:58:58
en fait je n'utilise qu'une table Paradox 7.0
alors c vrai que le BDE c assez gros
Tu dit du coté de ADO?
(je vais chercher )
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 20:17:05
AGA a écrit a écrit : en fait je n'utilise qu'une table Paradox 7.0 alors c vrai que le BDE c assez gros ![]() Tu dit du coté de ADO? (je vais chercher ![]() |
dans ton cas, alors le mieux c'est d'utiliser MyBase
simple, rapide et efficace, vraiment pas besoin de connaitre les bd sous delphi pour mettre en oeuvre MyBase...
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:22:20
faut bien se connecter a MyBAse?!
Bon ADO serait fournit avec Delphi 5 Entreprise (ce que j'ai)
mais...j'ai pas la palette ADo???
Il faut l'installer explicitement? si oui ou se trouve-t'elle?
la doc parle de "L?utilisation de ces composants requiert l?installation du module d?exécution ADO/OLE-DB.
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:27:40
Ha zut c'est peut-être un truc qui n'était standard que dans Delphi 6
Normalement tu dois pouvoir installer ADO Express, il est peut-être sur le CD de Delphi
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:32:30
Delphi 5 inclut de nouveaux composants que vous pouvez utiliser pour accéder à des données par l?intermédiaire de Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ADO est l?interface de haut niveau de Microsoft pour tous les types de données. Cette interface de niveau application avec la technologie d?accès aux données de Microsoft est appelée OLE DB. OLE DB fournit un accès rapide à n?importe quelle source de données, incluant bases de données relationnelles et non relationnelles, systèmes de messagerie électronique et de fichiers, texte, graphiques et objets métier personnalisés.
Les nouveaux composants de Delphi fournissent un accès aux données en utilisant la technologie ADO par l?intermédiaire de contrôles orientés données existants (tels que DBGrid et DBEdit) sans avoir besoin de Borland Database Engine (BDE). L?
utilisation de ces composants requiert l?installation du module d?exécution ADO/OLE-DB.
Les composants suivants prennent en charge la technologie ADO :
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:35:36
ReplyMarsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:44:41
antp a écrit a écrit : alors quoi ? |
lol je voulais pas de brusker
je viens de voir sur un site : (
Before this course started, there was an online poll asking for you to decide: what type of data connection you would like to learn. After more than 9000 votes it seems that most of you are primarily interested in ADO/MS Access approach. From the fifth version Delphi supports ADO with ADOExpress. AdoExpress components are available with the Enterprise version of Delphi 5 and can be bought by the owners oh the Professional version. Prior to version 5 Delphi does not support ADO. In order to participate in this course you'll have to get your hands on AdoExpress or some other ADO enabled component set. Some of the third-party ADO data-components can be found here: ADO Delphi VCL components. Most of the techniques that are to be addressed in the following chapters to this course should be easily translated and used with Paradox/dBase or Interbase users.
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:45:44
donc si je comprends bien .
adoexpress est fournit, mais sous quel nom sur le CD?
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:50:09
Ça j'en sais rien
Marsh Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:52:31
antp a écrit a écrit : Ça j'en sais rien ![]() |
Ok merci
Si y en a un qui sait
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 01:47:12
AGA a écrit a écrit : faut bien se connecter a MyBAse?! Bon ADO serait fournit avec Delphi 5 Entreprise (ce que j'ai) mais...j'ai pas la palette ADo??? Il faut l'installer explicitement? si oui ou se trouve-t'elle? la doc parle de "L?utilisation de ces composants requiert l?installation du module d?exécution ADO/OLE-DB. " Merci |
pas besoin de se connecter, c'est un fichier xml qui permet de faire de gérer le tout presque comme une bd
Marsh Posté le 27-07-2002 à 13:08:42
salut lorsqu'on distribue une appli delphi , je crois ke l'on peut livrer le moteur du BDE c a dire pour ma part en tout cas :
bdeinst.dll + minireg.exe
avec un bat qui fait : minireg.exe bdeinst.dll
Mais pour des raisons de mises à jour
je voudrais faire un install pour l'appli
et distribué le bde avec le bat ds une archive différente
A t-on le droit de distribuer le bde séparement comme ceci?