Mod VDD abit NF7

Mod VDD abit NF7 - Water & Xtreme Cooling - Overclocking, Cooling & Modding

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 21:59:59    

bon quelqu'un la tente la mod?
j'ai reperé et apparement ya le meme chip sur la nf7 que sur l'epox
a priori meme chipset donc ca devrait etre la meme


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 21:59:59   


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 22:14:20    



Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 22:24:01    

moi je l'ai samedi matin donc je mod samedi soir  :D  
The Mem voltage mod is the exact same as the BE7, BD7. I hook up a 10 ohm resister to pin 19 after cutting the pin. The resister goes from pin 19 to the mosfet. Then I hook a 100ohm VR to pin19 to ground for Voltage adjustments.
You can find the v-mod in the v-mod forums, be7 or bd7.
The VDD mod is easy money. The 6520 IC just under the AGP slot, I hooked up a 50k ohm resistor to pin 6 to ground. I think the 50k is an overkill but thats what I used. It actually reads 4.16k ohms right now. I assume a 10k VR would work fine. You measure the VDD off of a mosfet that is near the IC. I personally soldered a wire to the mosfet leg so I could have easy access to read the voltage, it would be impossable to measure when the agp card is in place.
I'll take some pictures right now.

Message édité par mokembo le 06-03-2003 à 22:28:19

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 22:25:35    

marche po


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2003 à 22:34:47    



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