Des nouvelles des cool chips?

Des nouvelles des cool chips? - Water & Xtreme Cooling - Overclocking, Cooling & Modding

Marsh Posté le 03-12-2002 à 23:45:13    

Salut pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas
Et les liens [...] 1130a.html

Citation :

"A company called Cool Chips plc is showing off a cooling device that claims unbelievable efficiencies using what they call 'quantum mechanical electron tunneling'. A choice quote from their press release: "A panel of Cool Chips one inch square will provide enough cooling for a refrigerator; a panel about two inches square will have the capacity to provide the air conditioning for a living room". They also mention using them to cool microprocessors. I used to think this company was nuts, but Boeing is making me think twice. Oh, and by the way, they work in reverse to make electricity from heat. Should I sell my baseball cards and buy their stock now, or can an army of slashdotters poke holes in their claims?" Fascinating stuff. Makes peltier coolers look pretty old school. In the press release they claim up to 80% efficiency, compared to 5-8% for peltier coolers and 50% for conventional refrigeration. I will say the cool chips corporate logo is baffling, though.

En gros
C'est petit
çà consomme peu
et çà "torcherait" les refroidissement actuels en termes de perfs.
Ca fait un bout de temps que j'en ai entendu parler, mais quelqu'un à t il entendu parler d'une application concrète de ce truc en micro sur des procos?
Parce que ce truc à l'air vraiment prometteur  :D

Message édité par lokilefourbe le 04-12-2002 à 00:59:33



Marsh Posté le 03-12-2002 à 23:45:13   


Marsh Posté le 03-12-2002 à 23:48:06    

Vapor ware,
   Quand tu nous tiens :sarcastic: ...


Marsh Posté le 03-12-2002 à 23:53:06    

Stolenkiss a écrit a écrit :

Vapor ware,
   Quand tu nous tiens :sarcastic: ...

et pourkoi ca?

Date d'arrivée sur le forum: le 2-02-2000

Marsh Posté le 04-12-2002 à 00:58:32    

Stolenkiss a écrit a écrit :

Vapor ware,
   Quand tu nous tiens :sarcastic: ...

Bah le site de boeing il fait du vapor ware aussi  :heink:  

Citation :

Boeing Completes Evaluation of Borealis Cool Chips? Technology
SEAL BEACH, Nov. 30, 2001-- The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) has completed an evaluation of a new technology called Cool Chips? that could provide lighter, more efficient and more affordable cooling systems in the future.
Because they are smaller and lighter than competing technologies, and promise greater efficiency, Cool Chips have potential applications for thermal management in aircraft and spacecraft, where size, weight and power requirements are at a premium. Such applications include the cooling of avionics, sensors, environmental air and galleys.

C'est sur le site de boeing tout çà.
Donc je vois pas pourquoi boeing raconterai des conneries  :??:



Marsh Posté le 04-12-2002 à 01:38:27    

tu me de-tt de achat vente si c'est toi qui a fait ca :ange:


Marsh Posté le 04-12-2002 à 19:08:24    

djangolefous a écrit a écrit :

tu me de-tt de achat vente si c'est toi qui a fait ca :ange:  

Nan spa moi :??:



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