[CPUZ Validator] Cherche users avec bon niveaux en OC

Cherche users avec bon niveaux en OC [CPUZ Validator] - CPU - Overclocking, Cooling & Modding

Marsh Posté le 31-05-2005 à 13:34:24    

Salut, on cherche du monde pour s'occuper des dumps du validateur CPU-Z. Il faut des gens motivés pour verifier certains dumps, particulierement ceux qui sont dans le Hall Of fame. Voici un email que j'avais écrit et qui résume la situation et ce qu'il faudra faire :  
PS : Anglais obligatoire  
Hi there,  
First of all, thank you for your participation in this project. Your valuable experience will be helpful for all of us and for the community.  
I created and added all your emails into a private mailing-list, along with Franck and myself, that you  
can reach at xxxxx@xxxxx. that will be a good way to discuss together.  
The project for the CPU-Z database is to human-check every new record that will be included in the hall of fame. At this time, there is nothing done and, here is the steps we'll have to do :  
1/ Define which kind of Hall of fame we want. For example : Highest FSB reached with a K8, Higher Frequency with a Pentium M, Highest DDR2 Memory Freq, ...etc.  
2/ As the database size grown, a real-time check for all the database each time the page is requested is not possible. So, i will write a cache-system that will parse all the database and refresh the hall of fame every xx minutes (Like what is done for the statistics)  
3/ The process, when a new WR (well, Top 3) is detected will be the following : 1) Submitter's Email verified 2) Email posted in this mailing list 3) One of us will be able to validate the OC, and it will appears in the HOF (Hall of Fame)  
That's the three main steps. Of course, any comments are welcome if you see something wrong or something that can be better. Then, we will be able to proceed to Step 1  
Just let us know  

C'est trés important puisque le validateur devient de plus en plus une reference. Et il faut des gens qui connaissent bien l'overclocking comme beaucoup ici. Voila voila. Si quelques bonnes âmes se veraient bien "Verificateur d'OC", ca nous interesse.

Doc_TB @ Canardpc.com

Marsh Posté le 31-05-2005 à 13:34:24   


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