[SOLARIS] Mémoire partagée

Mémoire partagée [SOLARIS] - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 19-10-2001 à 16:41:50    

Je cherche à augmenter la taille de la mémoire partagée pour éviter à tout prix qu'elle se retrouve sur le swap.
SHMMAX désigne la taille max d'un segment.
Que dois-je utiliser comme paramètre dans le /etc/system ?

"If you can walk away from a landing, it's a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it's an outstanding landing." - Chuck Yeager. | Chaîne YT | Photos

Marsh Posté le 19-10-2001 à 16:41:50   


Marsh Posté le 19-10-2001 à 19:01:50    

tiens voila la liste des parametre kernel tunables :)
Parameter       Description
---------       -----------
dump_cnt        Size of the dump
autoup          Used in struct var for dynamic configuration of the  
                age that a delayed-write buffer must be,in seconds,  
                before bdflush will write it out (default = 60)
bufhwm          Used in struct var for v_bufhwm; it's the high water  
                mark for buffer cache memory usage, in Kbytes  
                (default = 2% of physical memory).
maxusers        Maximum number of users  
                The default is number of Megabytes in physical memory minus 2.
max_nprocs      Maximum number of processes (default = 10 + 16 * maxusers).
maxuprc         The maximum number of user processes.
                (default = max_nprocs - 5)
rstchown        POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is enabled (default = 1).
ngroups_max     Maximum number of supplementary groups per user  
                (default = 32).
rlim_fd_cur     Maximum number of open file descriptors per process
                sysem wide (default = 64, max = 1024) also seelimit(1).
Streams Parameters:
nautopush       Number of entries in the autopush free list,  
                the high water mark for Streams administrative  
                devices (sads). One autopush entry is needed for each  
                entry in the /etc/iu.ap file and any others that may  
                be configured by using the autopush command directly,
                or by openingthe sad device and using the SAD_SAP
                ioctl(). If you run out of autopush entries, the ioctl()
                will return -1 and set errno to ENOSR (out of streams
sadcnt          Number allowed of concurrent opens of both
                /dev/sad/user and /dev/sad/admin (default 16).
                Once all are in use, open() will return -1 and  
                set errno to ENXIO (No such device or address).
Psuedo Devices: (Needs reboot -r to take effect)
npty            Number of 4.X pseudo-ttys configured (default = 48).
                The device entries are /dev/pty*
pt_cnt          Number of 5.X pseudo-ttys configured (default = 48).
                (keep below 3000)
                The device entries are /dev/pts/*
Paging Parameters:
physmem         Sets the number of pages usable in physical memory.
                Only use this for testing, it reduces the size of usable
minfree         Memory threshold which determines when to start swapping
                processes, when free memory falls to this level swapping
                begins (default:
                2.5.1 and later : desfree / 2
                2.5 : desfree / 2 at most 100k bytes (sun4d 200k bytes)
                2.4 : 4d = 50 pages, all others 25 pages
                2.3 : physmem / 64 ).
desfree         This is the desired free level, this determines when
                paging is abandoned for swapping. When free memory stays  
                below this level for 30 seconds, swapping kicks in (default:
                2.5.1 and later : lotsfree / 2
                2.5 : physmem / 64 at most 200k bytes (sun4d 400k bytes)
                2.4 : 4d = 100 pages, all others 50 pages,  
                2.3 : physmem / 32 ).
lotsfree        Memory threshold which determines when to start paging.
                When free memory falls below this level paging begins
                2.5.1 and later : physmem / 64 or at least 512k bytes worth
                of pages
                2.5 : physmem / 32 at most 512k bytes (sun4d 1024k bytes)
                2.4 : 4d = 256 pages all others 128 pages
                2.3 : physmem / 16 ).
fastscan        The number of pages scanned per second when free memory
                is zero, the scan rate increases as free memory falls
                from lotsfree to zero, reaching fastscan (default:
                2.5 and later : physmem / 2 with 64Mb of memory being max
                2.4 : physmem / 4 with 64Mb of memory being max
                2.3 : physmem / 2 ).
slowscan        The number of pages scanned per second when free memory
                is equal to lotsfree, also see fastscan (default:
                2.5 and later : fastscan / 10 but not to exceed 100
                2.4 : is fixed at 100,  
                2.3 : fastscan / 10 ).
handspreadpages The distance between the fronthand and backhand in
                the clock algorithm. The larger the number the longer an
                idle page can stay in memory (default:
                2.5 and later : fastscan
                2.4 : physmem / 4
                2.3 : physmem / 2 ).
maxpgio         The maximum number of page-out I/O operations per second.
                This acts as a throttle for the page deamon to prevent
                page thrashing ((DISKRPM * 2) /3 ).
t_gpgslo        2.1 through 2.3, Used to set the threshold on when to  
                swap out processes (default 25 pages ).
File System Parameters:
ufs_ninode      Maximum number of inodes.
                (default = max_nprocs + 16 + maxusers + 64)
ndquot          Number of disk quota structures.
                (default = (maxusers * NMOUNT / 4) + max_nprocs)
ncsize          Number of dnlc entries.
                (default = max_procs + 16 + maxusers + 64);
                dnlc is the directory-name lookup cache
TCP/IP Parameters:
arptab_size     Size of arp table
ipcnt           Size of ip_pcb
ipprovcnt       Size of provider
loopcnt         Size of loop_pcb
ntcp            Number of tcp devices, tcp_dev
nudp            Number of udp devices, udp_dev


Marsh Posté le 19-10-2001 à 23:31:06    

Voici une page qui explique comment augmenter la memoire partagee et les semaphores sous Solaris :

C'est en forgeant qu'on devient con comme un forgeron.

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