aide à propos de diffusion sur un lan SVP

aide à propos de diffusion sur un lan SVP - réseaux et sécurité - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 22-04-2003 à 19:22:00    

Voila c est pour un server Q3 en LAN et j aimerais faire ca :
Ca c est le principe :
A LAN dedicated server will use the net_ip cvar to identify the NIC it is going to use (default is "localhost" ). As it only opens one socket, it is not possible to have a server broadcast it's packets on all the NICs. This can be a problem if the server is serving games for a LAN and runs several NICs to access the various sub networks.
Ca c est la Doc :
UDP Wide Broadcast Patch for Kernel 2.4.19
Main purpose is to allow Quake 3 servers, and all games powered by the
engine, to be visible in the server browser when the servers are being run on
aliased IP addresses and multiple NICs using the +set net_ip option.
To apply the patch run "patch -p1 < udp_wide_broadcast.patch" from your
source directory and recompile.
Add "echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/udp_wide_broadcast" to one of your startup
scripts, i.e./etc/rc.d/rc.local, and run thousands of servers from your
ca c est le patch : [...] cast.patch
Bon mon probleme est ke c est du chinois pour moi et j aimerais un howto plus détaillé SVP???


Marsh Posté le 22-04-2003 à 19:22:00   


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