[Help] lm-sensors-2.8.0 & i2c-2.7.0

lm-sensors-2.8.0 & i2c-2.7.0 [Help] - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 02-01-2005 à 22:48:50    

Bonsoir à tous,
Malgré avoir cherché sur Léa et dans ce forum, je n'arrive pas résoudre mon pb avec i2c.
Ci-dessous le détail des manips effectuées, pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver ce qui coince ?
OS => MDK 9.2 + noyau 2.4.26 (i2c désactivé)  
J'ai choisi une installation sans patcher le noyau,  
en ne travaillant qu'avec des modules)
Installation RPM lm-sensors-2.8.0-4mdk
=> RAS
Installation de i2c-2.7.0  
"make" puis "make install" puis "depmod -a"
=> RAS (la version de lm-sensors est <> de i2c, mais je n'ai eu aucun msg d'erreur).
sensors-detect se passe sans pb. Fin du log :
Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
 Just press ENTER to continue:
Driver `w83627hf' (should be inserted):
  Detects correctly:
  * ISA bus address 0x0290 (Busdriver `i2c-isa')
    Chip `Winbond W83627THF Super IO Sensors' (confidence: 8)
 I will now generate the commands needed to load the I2C modules.
 Sometimes, a chip is available both through the ISA bus and an I2C bus.
 ISA bus access is faster, but you need to load an additional driver module
 for it. If you have the choice, do you want to use the ISA bus or the
 I2C/SMBus (ISA/smbus)? SMBus
To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to either
/etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules:
#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----
To load everything that is needed, add this to some /etc/rc* file:
#----cut here----
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe w83627hf
# sleep 2 # optional
/usr/local/bin/sensors -s # recommended
#----cut here----
WARNING! If you have some things built into your kernel, the list above
will contain too many modules. Skip the appropriate ones! You really should
try these commands right now to make sure everything is working properly.
Monitoring programs won't work until it's done.
Lorsque je lance les modules, cela coince ...
modprobe i2c-dev => OK
modprobe i2c-proc => OK
modprobe i2c-isa => introuvable
modprobe i2c-w83627hf => introuvable
Ce qui donne évidemment :
sensors -s  No sensors found !
Pourriez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi  
i2c-isa et i2c-w83627hf sont introuvables ?
Ai-je loupé quelque chose ?
D'avance merci.


Marsh Posté le 02-01-2005 à 22:48:50   


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