déconnexions intempestives modem speedtouch 510v5 avec wanadoo

déconnexions intempestives modem speedtouch 510v5 avec wanadoo - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 13-12-2005 à 19:14:30    

Voila, j'ai des déconnexions intempestives (1 ou 2 par jour).
J'ai une débian, voila mon /var/log/messages:
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: pppd 2.4.3 started by moumoute, uid 1000
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: PPP session is 2055
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: Connect: ppp0 <--> eth0
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: Couldn't increase MTU to 1500
Dec 13 12:58:24 moumoute pppd[3312]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Dec 13 12:58:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Dec 13 12:58:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Dec 13 12:58:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: peer from calling number 00:90:1A:40:F2:06 authorized
Dec 13 12:58:28 moumoute pppd[3312]: local  IP address
Dec 13 12:58:28 moumoute pppd[3312]: remote IP address
Dec 13 12:58:28 moumoute pppd[3312]: primary   DNS address
Dec 13 12:58:28 moumoute pppd[3312]: secondary DNS address
Dec 13 13:09:14 moumoute gconfd (moumoute-3650): starting (version 2.10.1), pid 3650 user 'moumoute'
Dec 13 13:09:14 moumoute gconfd (moumoute-3650): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory" to a read-only configuration source at position 0
Dec 13 13:09:14 moumoute gconfd (moumoute-3650): Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/home/moumoute/.gconf" to a writable configuration source at position 1
Dec 13 13:09:14 moumoute gconfd (moumoute-3650): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults" to a read-only configuration source at position 2
Dec 13 13:37:39 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 13:57:39 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 14:17:39 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 14:37:39 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 14:57:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 15:17:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 15:37:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 15:57:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: No response to 3 echo-requests
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Connect time 186.0 minutes.
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Sent 9915834 bytes, received 287431329 bytes.
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Couldn't increase MTU to 1500
Dec 13 16:04:27 moumoute pppd[3312]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
Dec 13 16:04:33 moumoute pppd[3312]: Connection terminated.
Dec 13 16:04:33 moumoute pppd[3312]: Modem hangup
Dec 13 16:05:38 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:06:43 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:07:48 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:08:53 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:09:58 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:11:03 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:12:08 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:13:13 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:14:18 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:15:23 moumoute pppd[3312]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Dec 13 16:15:23 moumoute pppd[3312]: Exit.
Dec 13 16:37:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 16:57:40 moumoute -- MARK --
Dec 13 17:17:40 moumoute -- MARK --
j'utilise pppoe version 3.5 (la derniere de debian)
voila ma conf (faite par pppoeconfig) :
# Configuration file for PPP, using PPP over Ethernet  
# to connect to a DSL provider.
# See the manual page pppd(8) for information on all the options.
# Section 1
# Stuff to configure...
# MUST CHANGE: Uncomment the following line, replacing the user@provider.net
# by the DSL user name given to your by your DSL provider.
# (There should be a matching entry in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets with the password.)
#user myusername@myprovider.net
# Use the pppoe program to send the ppp packets over the Ethernet link
# This line should work fine if this computer is the only one accessing
# the Internet through this DSL connection. This is the right line to use
# for most people.
#pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I eth0 -T 80 -m 1452"
# An even more conservative version of the previous line, if things
# don't work using -m 1452...  
#pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I eth0 -T 80 -m 1412"
# If the computer connected to the Internet using pppoe is not being used
# by other computers as a gateway to the Internet, you can try the following
# line instead, for a small gain in speed:
#pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I eth0 -T 80"
# The following two options should work fine for most DSL users.
# Assumes that your IP address is allocated dynamically
# by your DSL provider...
# Try to get the name server addresses from the ISP.
# Use this connection as the default route.
# Comment out if you already have the correct default route installed.
# Section 2
# Uncomment if your DSL provider charges by minute connected
# and you want to use demand-dialing.  
# Disconnect after 300 seconds (5 minutes) of idle time.
#idle 300
# Section 3
# You shouldn't need to change these options...
lcp-echo-interval 20
lcp-echo-failure 3
# Override any connect script that may have been set in /etc/ppp/options.
connect /bin/true
mtu 1492
# RFC 2516, paragraph 7 mandates that the following options MUST NOT be
# requested and MUST be rejected if requested by the peer:
# Address-and-Control-Field-Compression (ACFC)
# Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACCM)
plugin rp-pppoe.so eth0
user "*******"
les déco ne sont pas du à la déco des 24H car j'éteins mon pc le soir...
au oui, je suis en 8Méga
voila, qq1 a une idée?
thx +


Marsh Posté le 13-12-2005 à 19:14:30   


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