Aethera, Evolution, ...

Aethera, Evolution, ... - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 05-04-2002 à 10:07:37    

qu'y a-t-il d'autres comme soft dans le genre ?
car je cherche soit un complément de Sylpheed (mail/news) pour gérer un agenda, soit un nouveau mailer/newser/agenda/machine à café...
toolinux indique quelque instabilité de Aethera... des avis ?

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

Marsh Posté le 05-04-2002 à 10:07:37   


Marsh Posté le 06-04-2002 à 18:05:03    

j'en déduis que personne ici n'utilise d'équivalent Outlook...

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

Marsh Posté le 06-04-2002 à 18:15:42    

bah, evolution est pas trop mal


Marsh Posté le 08-04-2002 à 10:44:53    

ouaip... j'en suis là aussi. je n'ai rien trouvé d'autre :/

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.

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