quelqu'un pour me dire comment installer kde3.1 exactement - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 10:45:36
quel distribution ?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 11:45:45
mandrake 9.0
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 12:39:38
un conseil : attend que qqn confirme ou infirme (le contraire de confirmer en fait) ce que je te propose ; car je suis un débutant sous linux et je ne suis pas sur du tout : je n'ai terminé l'install de kde3.1 que ce matin
tout d'abord, il faut installer Qt 3.1.1 (je crois que c'est le plus chiant d'ailleurs) :
il faut déja modifier /etc/profile, tu rajoutes à la fin du fichier :
Code :
puis tu down ça (c'est l'install que Qt3.1.1 en fait)
puis tu l'extrais dans /usr/local et tu devrais alors avoir un dossier "qt-x11-free-3.1.1" dans /usr/local
tu renommes ce dossier en "qt"
tu réinitialises ton login root (càd tu fais logout/login root - rentre pas ça dans la ligne de commande : ca veut rien dire )
puis :
Code :
dans la console...
sur un XP1800+ et 768 Mo de PC133 (SDRAM) ça m'a pris environ 1h30.
avant de lancer l'install de kde3.1, il reste qqch à faire :
dans "/usr/lib/" tu dois avoir "qt-3.0.5" et deux symlinks (de liens vers celui-ci) : "qt3" et "qt3-gcc3.2" (c'était mon cas)
il faut les renommer en "*.old" : tu rajoutes .old à la fin de chacun des fichiers/dossiers
une fois que c'est fini, tu extract konstruct
après tu modifies le fichier "gar.conf.mk"
par exemple chez moi :
Code :
puis "cd kde" (si tu es dans le dossier kontruct) ou "cd /konstruct/kde" (si tu l'as extract dans le dossier racine)
et enfin "make install" (la par contre, tu pars pour min 3-4h - je suis pas sur : je dormais quand ça le faisait )
et normalement c'est bon
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 13:22:59
Merci pour ton aide, l'install de qt 3.1.1 c'est ce que tu as mis en dessous?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 13:43:25
l'install de Qt c'est du début à :
"sur un XP1800+ et 768 Mo de PC133 (SDRAM) ça m'a pris environ 1h30."
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 14:42:21
hier j'avais déjà fait une tentative mais apres 2h plus ou moin ca a foiré, j'ai juste été dans le rep konstruct /home/benoit/konstruct/
et tapé make install
mais ca n'a pas marché, je supprime tout ce rep et je recommence ou il faut faire autre chose?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 14:51:52
tu supprimes tout je pense
et tu re-extract konstruct sous "/"
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 15:36:26
petit probleme quand je tape "cd $QTDIR"
le rep /usr/local/kde3.1 n'existe pas c'est normal? je le crée?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 15:54:13
oui, c'est normal
en fait ca c'est le fichier au final : il s'en servira pour lancer kde3.1 au lieu du 3.0.3
ne le créé pas, c konstruct qui s'en chargera
j'ai pas bien compris, c'est coi le pb quand tu tapes $QTDIR ?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 15:57:26
je tapes "cd $QTDIR"
et ils me dit que le rep /usr/local/kde3.1 n'existe pas
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 15:59:53
et dans /etc/profile t'as bien :
Code :
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:01:20
voila mon fichier
# /etc/profile -*- Mode: shell-script -*-
# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
# Users generally won't see annoyng core files
[ "$UID" = "0" ] && ulimit -S -c 1000000 > /dev/null 2>&1
if ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/X11R6/bin ; then
if [ "$UID" -ge 500 ] && ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/games ; then
export PATH=$PATHusr/games
umask 022
USER=`id -un`
if [ -z "$INPUTRC" -a ! -f "$HOME/.inputrc" ]; then
# some old programs still use it (eg: "man" ), and it is also
# required for level1 compliance for LI18NUX2000
for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
if [ -x $i ]; then
. $i
unset i
export PATH=$PATH" title="
" title="
" title="
export QTDIR=/usr/local/kde3.1
export KDEDIRS=/usr/local/kde3.1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/kde3.1/lib
export PATH=/usr/local/kde3.1/bin:$PATH
export KDEHOME=/usr/local/kde3.1/.kdetest
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:06:25
t'enlèves tous les export : en y repassant je ne les ai ajouté qua la fin
tu les remettras apres linstall
je pense que si tu enleves :
Code :
ca devrait aller
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:16:24
nouveau probleme, maitenant quand je tape cd $QTDIR
il va dans le rep /root/
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:28:55
remet tout alors
et créé /usr/local/kde3.1
je vois que ça
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:43:30
je l'ai crée, mais il rentre alors dans le rep kde3.1
je suis rentré dans le rep qt et j'ai tapé
./configure -system-zlib -qt-gif -system-libpng \
WARNING: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.so.1 is threaded!
The Qt OpenGL module requires Qt to be configured with -thread.
Usage: configure [-prefix dir] [-buildkey key] [-docdir dir]
[-headerdir dir] [-libdir dir] [-bindir dir] [-plugindir dir ]
[-datadir dir] [-debug] [-release] [-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-sm]
[-sm] [-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg]
[-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-qt-libmng] [-system-libmng]
[-no-thread] [-thread] [-no-nis] [-nis] [-no-cups] [-cups]
[-no-largefile] [-largefile] [-no-stl] [-stl]
[-Istring] [-lstring] [-Lstring] [-Rstring] [-disable-<module>]
[-with-<module setting>] [-without-<module setting>] [-fast] [-no-fast]
Installation options:
These are optional, but you may specify install directories.
-prefix dir ........ This will install everything relative dir
(default /usr/local/qt)
You may use these to separate different parts of the install:
-bindir dir ........ Executables will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/bin)
-libdir dir ........ Libraries will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/lib)
-docdir dir ........ Documentation will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/doc)
-headerdir dir ..... Headers will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/include)
-plugindir dir ..... Plugins will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/plugins)
-datadir dir ....... Data used by Qt programs will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX)
You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading.
-buildkey key ...... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specified
key. When the library loads plugins, it will only
load those that have a matching key.
Configure options:
The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. If marked with a plus (+) a test
for that feature has not been done yet, but will be evaluated later, the
plus simply denotes the default value. Here is a short explanation of each
* -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
-debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
* -shared ............ Create and use a shared Qt library (libqt.so).
-static ............ Create and use a static Qt library (libqt.a).
* -no-gif ............ Do not compile in GIF reading support.
-qt-gif ............ Compile in GIF reading support.
See src/kernel/qgif.h
* -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.
-system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.
See http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/zlib
-fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for
library and subdirectory targets. All other Makefiles
are created as wrappers, which will in turn run qmake.
* -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all
project files.
-no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on platforms that support it.
-platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
on (linux-g++).
-xplatform target .. The target platform when cross-compiling.
See the PLATFORMS file for a list of supported
operating systems and compilers.
-Dstring ........... Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
-Istring ........... Add an explicit include path.
-Lstring ........... Add an explicit library path.
-Rstring ........... Add an explicit dynamic library runtime search path.
-lstring ........... Add an explicit library.
-disable-<module> ......... Disables a module where module is one of:
styles tools kernel widgets dialogs iconview wor
kspace network canvas table xml opengl sql
-qt-sql-<driver> .......... Enable a SQL <driver> in the Qt Library, by
default none are turned on.
-plugin-sql-<driver> ...... Enable SQL <driver> as a plugin to be linked
to at run time.
-no-sql-<driver> .......... Disable SQL <driver> entirely.
Possible values for <driver>: [ mysql odbc psql
Auto-Detected on this system: [ ]
-qt-style-<style> ......... Enable a GUI <style> in the Qt Library, by
default all available are on.
-plugin-style-<style> ..... Enable GUI <style> as a plugin to be linked
to at run time.
-no-style-<style> ......... Disable GUI <style> entirely.
* -no-thread ......... Do not compile threading support.
-thread ............ Compile threading support.
-no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support.
* -nis ............... Compile NIS support.
* -no-cups............ Do not compile CUPS support.
-cups .............. Compile CUPS support.
-no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.
* -stl ............... Compile STL support.
-verbose .............. Print verbose information about each step of the
-v .................... configure process.
-continue.............. Continue as far as possible if an error occurs.
-help ................. Print help and usage information.
-h .................... Print help and usage information.
Image Formats:
-plugin-imgfmt-<format> Enable format (png, jpeg, or mng) to
be linked to at runtime. Uses specified
-qt-imgfmt-<format> ... Enable format (png, jpeg, or mng) to
be linked into Qt. Uses specified
-no-imgfmt-<format> ... Fully disable format (png, jpeg, or mng)
from Qt.
Third Party Image Loading Libraries:
* -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.
-system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.
See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png
* -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.
-system-libjpeg .... Use jpeglib from the operating system.
See http://www.ijg.org
* -qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt.
-system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system.
See http://www.libmng.com
Qt/X11 only:
* -no-nas-sound ...... Do not compile in NAS sound support.
-system-nas-sound .. Use NAS libaudio from the operating system.
See http://radscan.com/nas.html
-no-sm ............. Do not support X Session Management.
* -sm ................ Support X Session Management, links in -lSM -lICE.
-no-xinerama ....... Do not compile Xinerama (multihead) support.
* -xinerama .......... Compile Xinerama support.
Requires X11/extensions/Xinerama.h and libXinerama.
-no-xrender ........ Do not compile XRender support.
* -xrender ........... Compile XRender support.
Requires X11/extensions/Xrender.h and libXrender.
* -no-xft ............ Do not compile Xft (anti-aliased font) support.
-xft ............... Compile Xft support.
Requires X11/Xft/XftFreetype.h and libXft.
* -no-tablet ......... Do not compile Tablet support.
-tablet ............ Compile Tablet support.
Requires IRIX with wacom.h and libXi or
XFree86 with X11/extensions/XInput.h and libXi.
-no-xkb ............ Do not compile XKB (X KeyBoard extension) support.
* -xkb ............... Compile XKB support.
[root@localhost qt]#
WARNING: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.so.1 is threaded!
The Qt OpenGL module requires Qt to be configured with -thread.
Usage: configure [-prefix dir] [-buildkey key] [-docdir dir]
[-headerdir dir] [-libdir dir] [-bindir dir] [-plugindir dir ]
[-datadir dir] [-debug] [-release] [-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-sm]
[-sm] [-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg]
[-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-qt-libmng] [-system-libmng]
[-no-thread] [-thread] [-no-nis] [-nis] [-no-cups] [-cups]
[-no-largefile] [-largefile] [-no-stl] [-stl]
[-Istring] [-lstring] [-Lstring] [-Rstring] [-disable-<module>]
[-with-<module setting>] [-without-<module setting>] [-fast] [-no-fast]
Installation options:
These are optional, but you may specify install directories.
-prefix dir ........ This will install everything relative dir
(default /usr/local/qt)
You may use these to separate different parts of the install:
-bindir dir ........ Executables will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/bin)
-libdir dir ........ Libraries will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/lib)
-docdir dir ........ Documentation will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/doc)
-headerdir dir ..... Headers will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/include)
-plugindir dir ..... Plugins will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX/plugins)
-datadir dir ....... Data used by Qt programs will be installed to dir
(default PREFIX)
You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading.
-buildkey key ...... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specified
key. When the library loads plugins, it will only
load those that have a matching key.
Configure options:
The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. If marked with a plus (+) a test
for that feature has not been done yet, but will be evaluated later, the
plus simply denotes the default value. Here is a short explanation of each
* -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
-debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
* -shared ............ Create and use a shared Qt library (libqt.so).
-static ............ Create and use a static Qt library (libqt.a).
* -no-gif ............ Do not compile in GIF reading support.
-qt-gif ............ Compile in GIF reading support.
See src/kernel/qgif.h
* -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.
-system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.
See http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/zlib
-fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for
library and subdirectory targets. All other Makefiles
are created as wrappers, which will in turn run qmake.
* -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all
project files.
-no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on platforms that support it.
-platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
on (linux-g++).
-xplatform target .. The target platform when cross-compiling.
See the PLATFORMS file for a list of supported
operating systems and compilers.
-Dstring ........... Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
-Istring ........... Add an explicit include path.
-Lstring ........... Add an explicit library path.
-Rstring ........... Add an explicit dynamic library runtime search path.
-lstring ........... Add an explicit library.
-disable-<module> ......... Disables a module where module is one of:
styles tools kernel widgets dialogs iconview wor
kspace network canvas table xml opengl sql
-qt-sql-<driver> .......... Enable a SQL <driver> in the Qt Library, by
default none are turned on.
-plugin-sql-<driver> ...... Enable SQL <driver> as a plugin to be linked
to at run time.
-no-sql-<driver> .......... Disable SQL <driver> entirely.
Possible values for <driver>: [ mysql odbc psql
Auto-Detected on this system: [ ]
-qt-style-<style> ......... Enable a GUI <style> in the Qt Library, by
default all available are on.
-plugin-style-<style> ..... Enable GUI <style> as a plugin to be linked
to at run time.
-no-style-<style> ......... Disable GUI <style> entirely.
* -no-thread ......... Do not compile threading support.
-thread ............ Compile threading support.
-no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support.
* -nis ............... Compile NIS support.
* -no-cups............ Do not compile CUPS support.
-cups .............. Compile CUPS support.
-no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.
* -stl ............... Compile STL support.
-verbose .............. Print verbose information about each step of the
-v .................... configure process.
-continue.............. Continue as far as possible if an error occurs.
-help ................. Print help and usage information.
-h .................... Print help and usage information.
Image Formats:
-plugin-imgfmt-<format> Enable format (png, jpeg, or mng) to
be linked to at runtime. Uses specified
-qt-imgfmt-<format> ... Enable format (png, jpeg, or mng) to
be linked into Qt. Uses specified
-no-imgfmt-<format> ... Fully disable format (png, jpeg, or mng)
from Qt.
Third Party Image Loading Libraries:
* -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.
-system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.
See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png
* -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.
-system-libjpeg .... Use jpeglib from the operating system.
See http://www.ijg.org
* -qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt.
-system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system.
See http://www.libmng.com
Qt/X11 only:
* -no-nas-sound ...... Do not compile in NAS sound support.
-system-nas-sound .. Use NAS libaudio from the operating system.
See http://radscan.com/nas.html
-no-sm ............. Do not support X Session Management.
* -sm ................ Support X Session Management, links in -lSM -lICE.
-no-xinerama ....... Do not compile Xinerama (multihead) support.
* -xinerama .......... Compile Xinerama support.
Requires X11/extensions/Xinerama.h and libXinerama.
-no-xrender ........ Do not compile XRender support.
* -xrender ........... Compile XRender support.
Requires X11/extensions/Xrender.h and libXrender.
* -no-xft ............ Do not compile Xft (anti-aliased font) support.
-xft ............... Compile Xft support.
Requires X11/Xft/XftFreetype.h and libXft.
* -no-tablet ......... Do not compile Tablet support.
-tablet ............ Compile Tablet support.
Requires IRIX with wacom.h and libXi or
XFree86 with X11/extensions/XInput.h and libXi.
-no-xkb ............ Do not compile XKB (X KeyBoard extension) support.
* -xkb ............... Compile XKB support.
[root@localhost qt]#
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 16:57:59
Si tu veux faire simple, tu peux télécharger tout ce qu'il y à là :
http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/d [...] 0/KDE-3.1/
sauf les fichiers html
Puis tu fais :
urpmi *.*
Et en 10 min maxi c'est fait (hors temps de téléchargement).
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 17:00:11
lol moi j'ai RH8.0, c'est pour ça que je l'ai install à la main
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 17:01:47
derniere question, y a il un moyen de télécharger tous ces fichiers en 1 commande?
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 17:04:16
benoit43 a écrit : derniere question, y a il un moyen de télécharger tous ces fichiers en 1 commande? |
Je sais pas, moi je suis passé sous Win (c'est là que j'ai ma connexion) et j'ai télécharger avec le Browser de Getright...
Marsh Posté le 08-02-2003 à 09:21:11
afin de ne pas faire de connerie, je voudrais savoir comment installer kde3.1 avec konsctuct
les fichiers télécharger je les mets ou?, je fait make install en dehors de kde ou je peux le faire sous kde3, en mode root?