Open Source = Libre ?

Open Source = Libre ? - Débats - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 08-07-2003 à 10:44:59    

Est-ce que ces deux termes sont synomymes ?
Si non, quels sont les différences ?


Marsh Posté le 08-07-2003 à 10:44:59   


Marsh Posté le 08-07-2003 à 10:47:32    


Marsh Posté le 08-07-2003 à 10:58:27    


Marsh Posté le 08-07-2003 à 12:01:29    

on est que mardi pourtant  :o  
de :

Citation :

How is "open source" related to "free software"?
The Open Source Initiative is a marketing program for free software. It's a pitch for "free software" on solid pragmatic grounds rather than ideological tub-thumping. The winning substance has not changed, the losing attitude and symbolism have. See the discussion of marketing for hackers for more.
So that it is clear what kind of software we are talking about, we publish standards for open-source licenses. We have created a certification mark, "OSI Certified," to be applied only to software that is distributed under an open-source license that meets criteria set by the Open Source Initiative as representatives of the open software community. We intend this mark to become a widely recognized and valued symbol, clearly indicating that software does, in fact, have the properties that the community has associated with the descriptive term `open source'.

en gros l'open-source c'est le libre sans la philosophie qui va dérrière et avec la volonté de le "vendre" aux entreprises.
EDIT : en voyant la horde de trolls tapis dans l'ombre, je prends à l'instant la décision de m'exiler en papouasie-nouvelle-guinée. Adieu  :hello:

Message édité par cycojesus le 08-07-2003 à 12:03:03

Chết rồi ! ✍ ⌥⌘

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