Rhôôôôôôô je me suis planté en beauté

Rhôôôôôôô je me suis planté en beauté - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 11-09-2001 à 22:08:24    

là tout va bien...je suis in the zone
ben là me suis trompe dans les touches... :benetton:  

He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead...

Marsh Posté le 11-09-2001 à 22:08:24   


Marsh Posté le 11-09-2001 à 22:10:05    

bah tant que tu te crash dans une grande plaine...........  :D


Marsh Posté le 11-09-2001 à 22:14:01    

ils auraient dus modeliser des vaches, je me sentirai moin seul...
...pas de vaches = jeu de merde http://forum.hardware.fr/sqlforum/icones/icon8.gif

He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead...

Marsh Posté le 12-09-2001 à 00:24:34    

sisi regarde bien je crois ke tu t'es écrasé dans 1 bouse...

The dopest, flyest OG pimp hustler, gangster player hardcore motherfucker living today.

Marsh Posté le 12-09-2001 à 17:21:50    

le p39 est un beau casse noisette à poser...surtout sans joystick

He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead...

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