un IGNinsider SVP

un IGNinsider SVP - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 19:54:57    

Pour l article sur l addon de dOA3!


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par The Leon le 23-04-2002 à 19:55:15--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]


Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 19:54:57   


Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 22:40:38    



Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 22:42:52    

en résumé
Kasumi: 2 outfits - Two school girl costumes
Hitomi: 3 outifts - One school girl plaid skirt outfit and two versions of a skimpy number
Gen Fu: 2 outfits - Leopard robe and Elf outfit
Tina: 1 outfit - Cowgirl getup
Leon: 2 outfits - One silver and one gold gladiatorial outfit
Jann Lee: 1 outfit - Waiter tuxedo
Christie: 2 outfits - One red and one blue one-piece Star Trek-esque costume
Hayate: 1 outfit - Snakeskin muscle shirt
Hayabusa: 1 outfit - Skintight suit with free-flowing hair
Zack: 1 outfit - Sweats
Brad Wong: 2 outfits - One purple and one white formal Chinese martial arts robe
Bass: 1 outfit - Viking getup
Bayman: 1 outfit - Full scuba suit with snorkel and oxygen tank
Liefang: 2 outfits - Sunday dress and Vampirella getup
Helena: 1 outfit - scrumptious I Dream of Jeanie outfit
Ayane: 2 outfits - One blue and one red school girl outfit
Ein: Nothing. Not a thing. Nada.


Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 22:43:18    

y a d autres trucs aussi mais g la flemme de lire :)
(surtout ke j m pas trop doa3)


Marsh Posté le 23-04-2002 à 22:45:46    

ok merci , tu pourrai mettre des tof?


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