Divx sur PS2 désormais possible

Divx sur PS2 désormais possible - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 22:47:32    

Bon je sens le bide vu que ce forum est anti-ps2 mais bon  :heink:  


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 22:47:32   


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 22:49:15    

hum ca marche pas ton adresse

[12:17] <Lon> c'est chouette shakira

Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 22:50:34    

DivX Player finally making its way to the PS2! ;-)  
     For those of you who have been following the PS2 scene since it started, you may remember this Web site which promised a PS2 DivX Player and never delivered.  
     We now have confirmation from Spanish affiliate Yogurth and BigBoss of www.ps2reality.net that a PS2 DivX Player IS in the works by them! Currently it includes DivX3 / DivX4 / Superior / OpenDivX support, and PAL resolution 512x384 FULL screen!  
     We are told they still have yet to work on adding sound and NTSC support, optimizing, and adding a User Interface so don't expect a release just yet. The entire PS2Ownz Crew are both excited and patient, as this time it appears the PS2Reality DivX Player will truly be a reality at a future date!


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 22:50:37    

mais si ça marche

Les chats stro bien stoo | http://johnix.free.fr/index.php

Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 23:13:48    

j ai du mal a y croire, mais ce serait sympa.


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 23:18:10    

va voir sur divx.com, ya un sondage special ps2 ... ca ne doit pas etre pour rien ... :crazy:


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 23:22:59    

g rien lu mais je prie :ange:


Marsh Posté le 28-04-2002 à 14:56:35    

ouais mais j espere qu on pourra lire tous les divx directos , sans refaire un traitement , genre descendre la resolution d image ou son .....


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