Date sortie Patch B&W...

Date sortie Patch B&W... - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 18-05-2001 à 16:03:27    

Lu sur Bwcenter :
At last we have news, real news to give you. The news comes from Gamespy Daily's coverage of E3.  
It appears that at E3 today Peter Molyneux was asked about the Black & White series and what was coming next. Well He certainly had some good news for us. Here is a break down of what is to come:  
Patch: The patch will be released on Monday, May 21. Some of the new features include letting villagers play football, enhancements to buildings, totally new buildings, new spells and the ability to have your creature dance along to your own music among other fixes and features.  
-Update- Some other features include: A newer version of safedisk to avoid problems with copy protection, a fix for the multiplayer select screen (so it won't jump), LAN spawn so you only need 1 CD to play a LAN game and a whole load of other fixes. Of interest to some of you will be the ability to skip the tutorial sequence. I also just heard that the patch will probably be around 8.5Mb -/Update-



Marsh Posté le 18-05-2001 à 16:03:27   


Marsh Posté le 18-05-2001 à 16:05:13    

Bah c'est noté qu'il sortira le 21 mai !!!!
"The patch will be released on Monday, May 21"

Mieux vaut fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute a ce sujet.

Marsh Posté le 18-05-2001 à 16:11:49    

Heu... Comment dire... Oui...
C'est bien pour cela que je poste cet extrait de news (d'ailleurs elle n'est pas complête, deux CD addons sont aussi en prévision...) qui je crois intéresse quelques personnes sur ce forum. Je communique l'info.


Marsh Posté le 18-05-2001 à 16:18:49    

OOOoooops !!
Je croyais que tu posais la question !!
Vivement ce WE que je me repose :D

Mieux vaut fermer sa gueule et passer pour un con que l'ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute a ce sujet.

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