Appeal et Outcast 2, c'est bel est bien fini - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 21:47:34
Schimz a écrit a écrit : ouf |
Je partage l'avis de dobeliou :
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 21:48:50
ouais et meme
par contre y avait deja un topic la dessus menfin
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 21:51:46
dobeliou a écrit a écrit : par contre y avait deja un topic la dessus menfin |
Oui, mais ca restait encore flou et au conditionnel, un tres leger espoir subsistait.
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 21:53:06
Y en a un autre qui m'inquiète c'est loose cannon ! il avait l'air ultra prometteur menfin maintenant ....
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 21:57:55
il c t vendu à cb d'exemplaires le 1er ?
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 22:05:04
il était trop bien le premier (a part la voxel que je trouvais pas trop mal perso....)
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 22:10:08
et omikron 2 des news? me rappelle plus si c avorté ou pas çui là aussi...
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 22:15:14
oui je crois qu'ils ont laissé tombé pour se concentrer sur fahreneit et leur autre projet.... dommage, packe nettoyé des quelques defauts du 1 .......
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 22:17:07
dobeliou a écrit a écrit : oui je crois qu'ils ont laissé tombé pour se concentrer sur fahreneit et leur autre projet.... dommage, packe nettoyé des quelques defauts du 1 ....... |
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 22:18:42
j'M trop ce smiley ...
bah ptet que david bowie en avait marre
pis fahrenheit a l'air super alors.....
Marsh Posté le 18-08-2002 à 09:22:02
dobeliou a écrit a écrit : ouais et meme ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() par contre y avait deja un topic la dessus menfin |
outcast premier du nom, je l'ai trouvé prétentieux, pas beau, inninteressant (fo faire quoi déjà ? sauver le monde ? oué ! supair...), mal fait (un patch pour l'installation, ça restera ds les annales du JV) et puant de relents rasistes (les manières du "heros" envers les habitants de la planete)
un jeu interdit au plus de 16 ans.
mais ça n'engage que moi hein... (hin hin)
Marsh Posté le 18-08-2002 à 10:37:06
Marsh Posté le 18-08-2002 à 11:20:12
alors soit ma memoire est très courte soit je suis benit mais il ne me semble pas avoir eu des problèmes a l'install
Pour ce qui est "Sauver le monde" (scenar de 90% des films et des jv ricains)si ca rentrait en compte alors j'aurais plus bocoup de jeux
Les "relents racistes" alors la C n'importe quoi
Le voxel c'est de la merde mais a ce qu'il me semble le 2 n'etait pas prevu en voxel
Et enfin le 1 etait un jeu très original au gameplay différent, très immersif ....
Alors maintenant si tu prefere "avancez, tirez" c'est ton choix....
edit : le doublage très sympa rare pour un jv doublé fr
Marsh Posté le 17-08-2002 à 20:15:31
Open letter by Carlo Fabricatore
First of all, sorry guys, but this must be done in English, since my German isn't good at all...
Second, the answer to the question posted by Anton is yes, I don't work for Appeal anymore.
But that's not quite recent news. I mean, after all, I stopped working for Appeal in February.
Now, my departure was a sad thing for me, because it left a lot of work uncompleted, although the plot of the game was finished indeed, and I think that Outcast 1 fans would have enjoyed it, just like they would have enjoyed the gameplay of Outcast 2 the way we were creating it, in spite of the fact that we were making a PC-PS2 game (something that, apparently, many players feared).
So, what happened? I guess that many of you must have been wondering... As far as I'm concerned, I'm working on a new project. New project, new company, but some old friends, since I work with part of the crew who was creating Outcast 2. Anyway, for the moment I can't anticipate anything about this, although you will hear more about it as soon as possible.
As for Appeal, I saw that there has been a lot of commotion around lately. Well, in first place, after my departure, many people left as well (not just one programmer).
Then, the shape of the Outcast 2 project was changed radically. In fact, this "revolution" was one of the main reasons for my departure. Inside Appeal, there were strong divergences regarding what Outcast 2 should have been. Let's just say that I was not in favor of making a too arcade-styled game, something too distant from Outcast 1. Anyway, I was not the one who could make the final decisions, and I prefer not to talk about this any more, because it would make me even more sad.
But then, this lasted only one month, more or less, after which came the "undefined suspension" of the Outcast 2 project. I guess you read a lot about this, and that some of you drew their own conclusion. For those who didn't, know that nowadays Appeal doesn't exist anymore. To be more precise, it exists, but only for as long as it is required by the closure of the bankruptcy process. No rumors, no speculations. Just plain info that everyone can verify.
So, I hope that this brief message of mine helps in avoiding misunderstandings and making things clearer to everybody.
To conclude, I'm really sorry for what happened to the Outcast 2 project, and for the fact that nobody will ever know the work that we've done for the 2 years during which I directed the Outcast 2 project. But that's life, and now it's time to move on, to try to make new things capable of satisfying enthusiast players and fans like you.
I thank you all for the support and the sympathy that you showed in the past.
Carlo Fabricatore
C'est bien dommage tout ca, mais mieux vaut peu-etre pas de Outcast 2 du tout qu'un Outcast 2 qui trahi l'esprit et l'embition du 1er