>> Chankast << Emulateur Dreamcast Fonctionnel - PC - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 16:05:04
http://forum.hardware.fr/hardwaref [...] 6524-1.htm
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 16:22:39
meeeeeeeeeeerde je me suis fais chier pour rien.
je le laisse quand meme parce que y'a la liste de tous les jeux etc j'pense que ca peut etre utile non ?
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 16:24:09
tain j'avais tapé chankast dans la recherche j'ai rien trouvé ...
m'en fousje le laisse c'est un topik chankast pas un topik emulation dreamcast après tout/
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 18:16:46
ReplyMarsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:11:52
Killgerf a écrit : Bonne initiative mais ça va couper... |
pourquoi ca couperait ?
l'emulation c'est pas interdit que je sache. ce sont les iso et les Bios qui le sont.
j'ai bien precisé qu'on ne parlait pas de ca ici.
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:20:57
Le projet est mort de toute façon non ? Dommage, c'était bien parti, certains jeux que j'ai testés sont presque jouables.
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:22:17
kzimir a écrit : Le projet est mort de toute façon non ? Dommage, c'était bien parti, certains jeux que j'ai testés sont presque jouables. |
tous ceux que j'ai testé sont tout a fait jouables et tres fluides ... ils marchent impeccablement.
non le projet n'est pas mort. tu dois confondre
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:22:47
ca y est ya une version 100 % fonktionel ? no de version ?
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:24:08
MrBrOwNsToNe a écrit : pourquoi ca couperait ? |
Sur Hardware, les topics emu...
C'est dommage d'ailleurs mais bon
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:25:25
nan pas 100% j'ai mis la liste des jeux dans le premier post.
mais tous ceux que j'ai essayé marchent impec.
manque juste quelques options comme sur winkawaks par exemple comme l'interpolation pour les jeux en 2D ... et ca sera vraiment parfait.
voir premier post
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:27:09
Killgerf a écrit : Sur Hardware, les topics emu... |
les topiks emu ferment quand ils derivent ce qu'on ne fera pas ici .... donc c'est bon là on va arreter de divaguer si tu veux causer de l'emulateur vas y mais ne commence pas a parler de clotures de topiks etc ca sert a rien.
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:28:34
Héhé calmoss...
Sinon, les jeux de la liste fonctionnent tous bien fluides ? Parce que j'avais testé un emu PS2 et c'était pas ça
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:29:42
MrBrOwNsToNe a écrit : tous ceux que j'ai testé sont tout a fait jouables et tres fluides ... ils marchent impeccablement. |
Bah le projet avait été annoncé et lancé d'un coup en l'espace d'un mois, avec quelques versions sur une poignées de semaines et... plus rien. C'est pour ça que je pensais le truc mort. Et les jeux que j'ai testés étaient au mieux fortement ralentis sur mon Pentium-M 1.4 :
- Soulcalibur jouable mais lent
- Ikaruga quasi-full speed
- Sonic 2 ultra-lent
- Pas mal de jeux plantatoires : DOA2, San Francisco Rush 2049...
Mais si j'ai drapalisé ce topic, c'est que le sujet m'intéresse, et que je serais très content que chankast bouge
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:37:31
Killgerf a écrit : Héhé calmoss... |
le rapport avec chankast là ?!
on s'en fout des emu PS2 qui soit dit en passant ne fonctionnent pas pour l'instant.
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:39:04
kzimir a écrit : Bah le projet avait été annoncé et lancé d'un coup en l'espace d'un mois, avec quelques versions sur une poignées de semaines et... plus rien. C'est pour ça que je pensais le truc mort. Et les jeux que j'ai testés étaient au mieux fortement ralentis sur mon Pentium-M 1.4 : |
ben là les jeux que j'ai essayé fonctionnent tous tres bien.
il y' a un Capcom Hack ils apellent ca qui permet de faire tourner les jeux de maniere fluide.
mais comme la liste du premier post l'indique TOUS les jeux ne fonctionnent pas forcément aussi bien ... mais bon la liset des jeux fonctionnant est bien fournie quand meme
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 19:49:19
MrBrOwNsToNe a écrit : le rapport avec chankast là ?! |
Hé ! Doux !
Je demandais juste si les jeux de la liste étaient bien compatibles c'est tout, j'ai pas fait un braquage non plus...
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 21:06:12
Killgerf a écrit : Hé ! Doux ! |
ok !
je m'emporte facilement j'admet.
sinon je viens de tester power stone II ====> injouable 25images/sec en moyenne
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 21:46:09
power stone I marche impeccablement meme en 1280/1024 il est super fluide ... par contre y'a une couille avec le son à chaque fin de round le son foire faut appuyer sur pause et ca redevient normal
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:10:14
ReplyMarsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:14:19
tout ce que je demande c ke jet set radio soit full speed >__<
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:14:53
pas essayé.
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:15:18
ReplyMarsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:21:18
j'ai Shen Mue en version japonaise, il marche bien avec l'emu
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:52:52
dans la liste des jx qui marchent y'en a une bonne partie ou ca bug quand meme pas mal par moment, ou que ca plante au bout de quelques minutes...
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 22:59:51
euh en general c'est marqué a coté si y'a des problemes.
les jeux qui marchent sont juste les jeux qui se lancent quoi après certain marchent mieux que d'autres.
Marsh Posté le 16-10-2005 à 20:05:18
faites part de vos tests si vous vous avez essayé des jeux .
Marsh Posté le 16-10-2005 à 21:35:58
j'ai un peu laché l'affaire avec cet emul y'a quelques mois...ca merdait avec l'hotloge..ca bootait et a chaque fois ca reennais au meme endroit pour regler l'heure...ca le faisait pas avec l'ancienne version.mais comme y'a pas grd chose qui marche avec
Marsh Posté le 30-10-2005 à 15:11:06
ReplyMarsh Posté le 30-10-2005 à 15:41:02
gaymer's a écrit : Il fait tourner sans ramer MarvelVScapcom2? |
Mes tests à moi :
Power Stone 1 : Marche tres bien très fluide mais un problème de son à chaque fin de round obligé de faire pause pour faire disparaitre le bug.
Power Stone 2 : Injouable tres tres lent environ 25 Images secondes.
Capcom VS SNK : Tout à fait fluide mais des bugs mineurs au niveau des sprites (pas genant) et pas de musique y'a juste les sfx quoi .
Capcom VS SNK 2 : pareil que le 1 mais y'a de la musique.
Sonic Adventure 2 : Trop lent sans le capcom hack et trop rapide avec: difficilement jouable.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 : Fonctionne tres bien tres fluide pas de bugs d'affichage par contre des bugs de son.
F355 Challenge : Reste bloqué sur l'ecran "SEGA" au debut.
premier post .
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2006 à 18:12:38
salut a tous !
je suis initié dans l"'émulation de la dreamcast
j'ai télécharger Chankast et le bios
j'ai deamon tools mais je n'arrive pas a lancer les jeux a partir dun fichier .cdi ?
quel marche a suivre svp
merci davance
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2006 à 22:47:59
Il aurait pu continuer le developpement de l'emulateur .
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2006 à 22:55:44
Clair c'était vraiment bien parti quelques jeux tournaient sans trop de prob.
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2006 à 23:58:47
Ainsi que StreetFighter III ThirdStrike, Sonic, Ikagura et d'autres.
Vraiment dommage qu'aucun emulateur soit mis a jour
Marsh Posté le 04-05-2006 à 01:35:18
SF3.3 marche bien mais niveau rapidité, c'est pas ça encore...Certains stages pédalent dans la choucroute dès que les persos vont vers la droite du stage(Alex/Remy/Yang)
Et le plus génant reste les bruits d'impacts très sous mixés
CVS2 par contre est nikel...
Marsh Posté le 10-10-2005 à 16:02:49
voilà voilà un topik sur Chankast le seul émulateur Dreamcast qui fonctionne avec énomément de jeux actuellement.
07/07/2004: Chankast Alpha 0.25 released
Cliquez sur la photo ci-dessous pour acceder au site officiel :
Mes tests à moi :
Power Stone 1 : Marche tres bien très fluide mais un problème de son à chaque fin de round obligé de faire pause pour faire disparaitre le bug.
Power Stone 2 : Injouable tres tres lent environ 25 Images secondes.
Capcom VS SNK : Tout à fait fluide mais des bugs mineurs au niveau des sprites (pas genant) et pas de musique y'a juste les sfx quoi .
Capcom VS SNK 2 : pareil que le 1 mais y'a de la musique.
Sonic Adventure 2 : Trop lent sans le capcom hack et trop rapide avec: difficilement jouable.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 : Fonctionne tres bien tres fluide pas de bugs d'affichage par contre des bugs de son.
F355 Challenge : Reste bloqué sur l'ecran "SEGA" au debut.
!!! ATTENTION !!! IL S'AGIT D'UN TOPIK DEDIE A L'EMULATEUR : pas question de donner des liens de ROMS, ISOS et autres BIOS etc ...
================================ LISTE DES JEUX ACTUELLEMENT SUPPORTES ================================
All games have been tested on version 0.1 (new graphics version) of the emulator, apart from the capcom games, which have been tested in the capcom version of the emulator
Blue Submarine No 6: Seems to work well (thx Rcgamer)
Bomber Hehe (J): Works, menus are invisible (Thx Shadowclone)
Border Down: Works almost perfectly, may crash after level 1 (Thx Wovou & Turbohao2)
Cannon Spike: Works, near perfect in game, some errors in textures/menus, seems to crash after level 2 for me
Capcom vs SNK: works, almost perfect, slower in menus, full speed in game (Note: Music doesn't work)
Capcom vs SNK 2 (J): Works, minor glitches (slow loading) it is also slower on the rotating level (Added by myself & DuDe) Pic
Charge N' Blast: Runs perfectly, apart from the sound effects, may give you an I/O error, but still works (thx lenselijer)
Coaster Works: Nearly perfect, can't get it to work myself though
Confidential Mission: Works, almost perfectly (a few transparracy issues) use original emu version Pic
Cool Boarders: Works, no other info (thx duk)
Cool cool toon (J): Works, no other info (thx rcgamer)
Cosmic Smash: Works full speed, very minor glitches (pause menu)
Crazy Taxi: Works, graphics look perfect from screenshots (thx vex)
Crazy Taxi 2: Runs pretty well, occasional slowdown when picking up passengers, few minor graphical glitches (thx MurrMurr)
Dave Mirra Free Style BMX: Works, minor graphical glitches
Daytona USA 2001: Works (Added from Waan2k's Post)
Demolition Racer: Works, but the exit doesn't function right, and a few fx errors
Digi Charat Fantasy (J): work
s, near perfect (Added from Wovou's post)
Disney's Dinosaur: works perfect, and fast! (thx lenselijer)
Donald duck quack attack: Works perfect, full speed, minor graphic glitches, use normal chankast version (thx lenselijer)
Dream Passport 3: Works, 3 Functions Available (From dc++ list)
Ecco The Dolphin: Works, use original chankast (thx brainiac)
Eldorado Gate: Works, fully playable (Thx Wovou)
Exibition of speed: Works (From zouipe sof's Post)
Fighting vipers 2: works, but the menus/life bar doens't Pic
Fire pro wrestling D (J): Works, graphics errors, try capcom version (Thx waan2k)
Frame Gride: Works (From dc++ list)
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge: Works perfectly, full speed too
Fur Fighters: Works, but with many glitches (thx rcgamer)
Gigawing 2: Works fine with the capcom version of the emu (thx lenselijer)
Guilty Gear X: Full speed, graphics are almost perfect, runs with no music (CDDA not supported), also seems to close the emu when i win a round
Gundam: Renpou vs Zeon DX (J) - Works with some 2d graphics problems, Crashes after completing 1 or 2 missions (thx gcnfan)
Gundam: Sidestory 0079: Works fine, some graphical errors, but very playable (thx lenselijer)
Headhunter: Works, full speed and no graphics errrors, no sfx though
Heavy Metal Geomatrix: works but graphical glitches ingame (Added from Wovou's post)
House of the Dead 2 (U/E): Works, but the jap version doesn't
Ikaruga : 35 - 40 FPS, slowdown when levels end, minor graphical glitches in the menus (thx DuDe) Pic
Incoming: Works with very minor glitches (thx A-F)
Industrial Spy - Works perfectly apart from the text errors, full speed
J-League Spectacle Soccer: Runs really really fast in the menu 175fps, sound is good, when a match starts the game runs at normal speed and it's basically fully playable (thx AKS)
Jet Grind Radio: Works perfectly on my PC, full speed and perfect sound Pic
(Added from steamover's post)
Kao the kangaroo: Works with slight graphic errors (Added from zouipe sof's post)
Kanon: Fully playable (thx steamover)
Love Hina: Runs almost perfect, text errors (Added from steamover's post)
Love Hina 2 (J): Runs perfectly, and full speed
Marvel vs capcom: Works perfect, and fullspeed! (thx lenselijer)
Marvel vs capcom 2: Works, almost perfectly apart from layer issues, full speed too, crash reports have been made, so be aware (thx Sodders) Pic
Metropolis street racer (E): almost perfect in game (but the menus have GFX errors)(Added from PsyMan's Post)
Millenium Soldier Expendable: Works perfectly
Mr. Driller: Works perfectly
My Tennis Life: Works (From dc++ list)
Namco Museum - Works (Added from Wovou's post)
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ayanami Rei Ikusei Keikaku: Fully playable with sprite transparency problems (thx steamover)
Phantasy Star Online: Works almost perfectly on an ATI card, GeForce owners use wireframe mode, seems to be the same in 0.2 too, is faster though
Phantasy Star Online ver. 2: See above
Power Stone: Works, May crash after round (Added from rcgamer's & SJR's post) Pic
Power Stone 2: Some glitches, FPS unstable, and may crash at round 3 (Thx steamover & xbox)
Project Justice (Rival schools 2): Works, almost full speed, may crash after 1st round (thx foxhound) Pic
Psyvariar 2 - Works, fully playable, has some menu issues, crashes when you die (Thx Wovou)
Puyo Pop Fever: Works perfectly (Added from from Wovou's post)
Puyo Poyo 4: Works, graphical glitches in the menus (Added from from Wovou's post)
Quiz Oh! My Goddess: Works perfect (from dc++ list)
Ready 2 Rumble: Works, verry chopy and no sound, graphic tranparency problems, otherwise OK (Added from Xbox's Post)
Ready 2 Rumble Round 2: same as above (from dc++ list)
Record of Lodoss War: Works perfect (from dc++ list)
Red Dog: Works perfect, sound problems (from dc++ list)
Rent a Hero No.1: Functions perfect, some graphic problems (from dc++ list)
Resident Evil Code veronica (U): Works full speed with nearly no graphics errors (only inventory icons), sound seems to die on me after the graveyard though Pic
Revolver: Works (Dcemu)
Revolt: No sound in game, minor sound problems (thx Waan2k)
Rez: Works, with minor graphical glitches (thx Waan2k)
Rippin' Riders: Works perfect (dc++ list)
Roommania #203(J): Works at a good speed, menus are invisible, try the original chanka (Thx Shadowclone)
RPG Maker: Works, and should be full speed (From Waan2k's post)
Samba de amigo (All versions): Works, full speed, with bearly any issues (only transparracy)
ScummVM 0.2.0: graphics are flashing, the rest its perfect (thx lenselijer)
Segagen Genesis emulator (Obsidian): Works almost perfectly apart from no sound, speed is slow in game though
Sega Bass Fishing 2: Seems to work with no gfx problems in game, may be slow, use original chankast (thx brucelee & lenselijer)
Sega Marine Fishing: Works perfectly and full speed ingame, but the main menu is invisible
Sega memory card disk utility: Works (thx rcgamer)
Sega Tetris (J): Works almost perfectly and full speed, music doesn't work, and player 1's background is messed up, other than that its fine
Shadowman: Works, the cut scenes and sound don't seem to work, other than that, the graphics seem ok and also does the speed (thx galning)
Shenmue: Works, almost perfect, to avoid graphical glitches on the main character turn on zwrite and alpha test zwrite (thx r00ster)
Shenmue 2: Works
Shikigami no shiro 2: Works (Added from steamover's post)
Silent Scope (U): Works almost perfectly, apart from the cursor is messed up, full speed though
Skies of arcadia (not the elchelon rip): Works almost perfectly, full speed and very little graphics errors (battle win stats & text layers)
Snow Surfers: Works, some texures are corrupt and the some sound probs (from dc++ list)
Sonic Adventure: Works, with minor graphic issues (sonics' eyes) may crash after 1st level (thx BruceLee1972 & gcnfan)
Sonic Adventue 2: Works, has some 2D errors, may crash after 1st level, Nvidia users (like me) see nothing but a blue screen ingame
Soul Calibur: Seems to work very well on the screenshots, remember to patch the IP.bin to play the game
Space Channel 5 part 1: Almost flawless, runs at full speed, perfect sound, the only thing I see wrong is a slightly transparent texture on Ulala's head (thx Hexidecimal)
Space Channel 5 Part 2: Runs perfect, just slow with cilppy sound (thx Hexidecimal)
Spawn: Works nicely, 2 player split screen isn't working and keeps on looping a sound effect, other than that it works fine and is full speed
Speed Devils: Works, but you cant see the ingame menus(tried both versions) And there is a little controll problem with my analog stick, when i change the direction the camera changes too. (thx R00ster)
Spiderman: Works flawlessly (thx Xbox)
Street fighter 3 Third Strike: Works, with minor glitches (graphics layers) Pic
Street Fighter Alpha 3: works (Added from french forum)
Stunt GP - works around 40fps, near perfect (Thx Wovou & spaffdog)
level (Added from gcnfan's post)
Star Wars Demolition (U): Works (dc++ list)
Super Magnetic Neo: Works, some graphical glitches (dc++ list)
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (J): Works perfectly and full speed apart from the background errors in-game Pic
Super Street Fighter II X (J): Works, fully playable at a high framerate. Only minor graphic bugs, 0.1 is recommended for this game (thx refraction)
Surf rocket racers: Playable, some graphic errors, runs at about 15fps for me, use normal chankast (thx lenselijer)
Suzuki alstare extreme racing: Works, around 30FPS, graphics are almost perfect (Thx spaffdog)
Sword of the Berserk - Guts Rage (U): Works, minor glitches in 2d, may crash on the 1st boss
Tee off: Works fine, graphics seem perfect from screenshot (thx lenselijer)
Test Drive V-Rally: Works perfectly and full speed (Thx picolo)
The Grinch: sound doesnt work, some graphics errors, but very playable (thx lenselijer)
Tokyo Bus Guide: Works with some errors in the menu's (thx yop)
Tokyo Xtreme racer 2 - has some graphical problems in menu and ingame, but very playable. Use the normal chankast version! (Thx lenselijer)
Tony Hawk's pro skater 2: Garbled title screen, bad sound in menu, ingame sound is perfect, some graphics glitches, fullspeed and playable! Use normal chankast (Thx lenselijer)
Ultimate Fighting Championship: Works, a few text errors, but runs perfectly and nearly full speed in exibition mode, no sound effects though Pic
Unreal tournament: works, requires a hi-spec machine for decent gameplay (full speed on a athlon64)
V Rally 2: Works with some graphical problems (dc++ list)
Vampire Chronicles: Works, and should be full speed (Thx lenselijer)
Virtua Athlete 2k: Works, with some graphical errors (Thx lenselijer)
Virtua Fighter 3: Works, sound repeats itself in the menu, press a button after the sega logo, full speed too (thx R00ster)
WWF Royal Rumble: No visable graphic errors, almost full speed
XingHong VCD Player: Works, haven't got any VCDS at the moment, so i can't test it
Zero Gunner 2 - Works, some menu problemss and texture problems Pic
Zombie Revenge: Works, took a bit longer to load, almost perfect ingame, full speed (Added from Wovou's post)
Not sure:
Seven Mansions: screenshot shown, but no info given
Virtua Tennis 2 (Aka sega sports tennis 2002): Doesn't boot for me, but brucelee has it working
Partially Working/Not playable in 0.1 (to be ammended):
Aerowings: menus work fine, but ingame is mostly black, use original chanka (Thx lenselijer)
Aerowings 2: hangs on training mode (Added from steamover's post)
Biohazard Code Veronica Complete (J): Crashes after opening the 1st door(Capcom) or walking up the stairs(Normal)
Capcom vs SNK Pro: Works, but very slowly (3FPS Max) (Thx Yop)
Chu Chu Rocket: AV Cable error, if patched, the game will work, but there are no mice, so the level is not playable (thx sultan)
Disney Magical Racing: Loads fine, runs well, io error when starting a new game (thx AKS)
DoomDC: Works, if you extract the files using Winiso, descramble the 1st_read.bin file, then rebuild the iso using "mkisofs isoname.iso", load Chanka with the command line: chanka_alpha -file isoname.iso (Thx Trotterwatch)
Dream o Rama: Works, disc swap doesn't
Expendable millenium soldier: Works, around 30FPS, is known to blow up the character every few seconds though (Thx spaffdog)
Gundamn Battle Online (J): Can't see text in new game, hard to proceed to the game
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Works, but squashes the whole game screen into the top half of the emulator screen (thx rcgamer)
King of fighters 2000 (J): very slow in battle
King of fighters 2001 (J): very slow in battle
King of fighters 2002 (J): very slow in battle
MDK 2: Closes the emu at random times
PowerSmash (J): Minor Menu Glitches, Invisible Players ingame (unless you go foward to the net) original chankast works best (thx ScHlAuChi)
Record of lodoss war: Runs with glitches until death of any enemy (thx A-F)
Seaman: req microphone (thx lenselijer)
Silver: Crashes after a while, all versions tried (thx rcgamer)
Soul Reaver: Often crashes loading, sometimes able to get in game, once in
game looks good (minor texture errors) runs 45-50fps, sound is messed up (thx spaffdog)
Space Channel 5 Part 2: loads but, wont gfx won't display in game (dc++ list)
Timestalkers: not playable, nice speeds and graphics, but as soon as you enter the first room, it crashes the emu at the loading screen (thx lenselijer)
Uefa dream soccer: Menus work with capcom & normal chankast, not visible with new_Gfx, ingame players are messed up, making it hard to play (thx Drunkard)
Utopia boot disk 1.5: Doesn't let you swap cds
Vigilante 8 2nd offense: huge graphical problems, so not playable, use the normal chankast (thx lenselijer)
Virtua Tennis: Works, players are invisible and also some menu elements
Not working/Not playable:
3D Tetris (thx yop)
90 Minutes Sega Championship Football: Black screen (thx yop)
Alien front online: Black screen
Beats of rage: Doesn't boot (thx yop)
Bleemcast Blue version (Beta): Freezes at sega logo
Bust a move 4 : Freezes at sega logo (thx yop)
Code Breaker: Doesn't boot (thx yop)
Dance Dance Revolution 2nd mix: Displays in 4th of the screen, and crashes after the memory card screen
Dangerous toys: Black screen (thx yop)
DC Gnu boy: Black screen
Dead Or Alive 2 LE: now hangs on the sega logo instead of AV error (thx refraction)
F355 Challenge: now hangs on the sega logo instead of AV error (thx refraction)
Feet of fury (Demo Version): Black screen
Gameshark CDR: Closes emu (thx yop)
Hello Kitty - Otonaru Mail (thx yop)
NesterDC (All): IRQ error
Next Tetris (thx yop)
Mag force racing: Doesn't boot (thx yop)
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (thx yop)
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 2 (thx yop)
Razor freestyle scooter (thx yop)
Resident Evil 3 (U): Doesn't boot
Ridge Racer (Bleem!): Boots then crashes Chankas (thx Luka)
Sega Memory Card Utility Disc (thx yop)
Sonic Shuffle (thx yop)
Sports Jam: Doesn't boot and closes the emu
Star Gladiator II: Closes emu
Street fighter III Double impact: shows capcom logo then returns to bios (thx lenselijer & yop)
TDC Final: Doesn't boot (thx yop)
Toy Racer: Crashes at nextgen TCP/IP logo
Virtua Cop 2 (thx yop)
Wetrix Plus: hangs at sega screen (thx yop)
Wild Metal (thx yop)
18 Wheeler (J): Doesn't boot (thx wovou)
4x4 Evolution: mmu not supported (thx lenselijer)
102 Dalmations - Hangs, but the intro Works
Action Reply CDX: Doesn't boot
Alone in the Dark 4: Doesn't boot
AquaGT: AV Cable error
Arabian Nights: Doesn't boot
Armada: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)
Army men: AV Cable error
Bangai-o: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
Bang! gunship elite: mmu not supported (thx lenselijer)
Blaze MP3 Player: Doesn't boot
Bleem! for gran turismo 2: shows sega screen then hangs (thx lenselijer)
Blue Stinger: Crashes after title screen (Added from Wovou's post)
Bomberman Online: hangs the emu cuz of the echelon intro (thx lenselijer)
Buggy heat: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
Buzz Lightyear: Black screen
Carrier: Doesn't boot
Championship pro surfer: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)
Chicken Run: crashes when starting a new game (thx lenselijer)
DC Divx (All versions): Black screen
Dead or Alive 2 (All): Black Screen
Death crimson OX: Closes emulator and doesn't boot
Despiria: AV cable error
Dino Crisis: AV cable error, when patched, it won't play the 1st mission (thx rcgamer)
DreamSMS: Doesn't boot
DreamSNES 0.95: Doesn't boot (thx lenselijer)
DreamSpectrum: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Ducatti WRC: MMU error
Dynamite Cop: Doesn't Boot
Ecw anarchy rulz: shows intro movies then crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)
Elemental gimmick gear (e.g.g.): black screen (thx lenselijer)
ESPN NBA 2 night: shows title screen, then keeps loading (thx lenselijer)
Evil Dead: Hail to the King: AV cable error
Evil Twin: black screen (thx lenselijer)
Evo 4X4: MMU Not supported
F1 World GP 2: Menus are totally black, can't enter game (From dc++ list)
Fatal fury Mark of the wolves (Added from kurnis Post)
Feet of fury (Full version): Stops at loading screen
Fighting Force 2 (U): Shows FMVs, crashes on menu loading (all emus)
Floigan bros episode 1: Doesn't boot
Gauntlet Legends: black screen then emu crashes (thx lenselijer)
Giant Gram 2000: Doesn't boot, all emu versions tested (thx Waan2k)
GigaWing: shows capcom logo then only black screen, use capcom chankast version! (thx lenselijer)
GigaWing 2: crashes after select screen (thx Wovou)
Grandia 2: Doesn't work, (just hangs at the intro screen)
Gunbird 2: Doesn't work, AV cable error
Half-life: MMU not supported (Added from kurnis Post and myself)
Hello Kitty - Garden Panic: MMU not supported (thx yop)
Hidden & Dangerous: AV cable error
High Cube: Doesn't boot
House of the Dead 2 (J): Doesn't boot
Hydro Thunder (All versions): Emulator cd error (thx rcgamer)
Illbleed: hangs after the intro movie (thx lenselijer)
Iron aces: hangs at sega bios screen (thx lenselijer)
Jeffma Fighting Pack (MVSC2, CVSS2, SFA3): Doesnt boot (thx luka)
Jeffma Shooter Pack: Boots and goes into web browser to select game but when a game is picked to load the screen goes black (thx luka)
Jimmy White's Cue Ball: MMU not supported (thx AKS)
King of fighters evolution: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
Kiss psycho circus: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)
Last Blade: AV Cable error
Le mans 24h (E): black screen and "overrload" error (thx Wovou)
Looney Tunes: Space Race: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Macross M3: Doesn't work, Black Screen
Mars matrix: crashed the emu, use capcom chankast (thx lenselijer)
Metal Slug 2 (Neo Geo CD Emulator): Boots then got to black screen (thx luka)
Matt hoffmans pro BMX: Freezes at menu
Milk: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Mortal Kombat Gold v1.1: AV cable error
Ms. Pacman: AV Cable error (thx spaffdog)
MSR Special edition (opel): Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)
MTV skateboarding: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
Musapey's Choko Marker: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
NCAA 2k2: Resets on entering menu (Does play video)
Neo Golden Luggers: Freezes at "now loading"
Neon Genesis Evangelion Type C: MMU error (Added from steamover's post)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Type E: MMU error (Added from steamover's post)
NetBSD: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Net of Tennis: AV cable error
Nightmare creatures 2: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
NBA 2K: Black screen after intro movie (thx lenselijer)
NBA 2K1: Crashes after demo (Added from Wovou's post)
NBA 2k2 (Added from kurnis Post)
NBA Hoopz: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)
NBA Showtime: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
NCAA College football 2002: Bug after the intro
NFL Blitz 2001: weird green screen after bios/sega logo (thx AKS)
NHL 2K2: Shows a black screen (thx lenselijer)
Ooga Booga: Doesn't boot
Outtrigger: MMU not supported
PBA Bowling 2001 (Beta): Doesn't boot
Penpen Triicelon: Black Screen
Plasma Sword: Closes the emu (tried on all versions)
Plumb: MMU not supported
Pod speedzone: shows all logo screens then crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)
Prince of persia - doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)
Propeller arena: MMU not supported (Added from kurnis Post)
Psychic force 2012: emu crashes after you select arcade mode (thx lenselijer)
Puyo Puyo DA!: Closes emu (Both versions)
Q-Bert: AV cable error
Quake 3 Arena (E): Goes to title screen, then back to bios (thx lenselijer)
Quake 3 Arena (U): plays intro movies then black screen (thx lenselijer)
Railroad Tycoon 2: MMU not supported, i don't think winCE is either (thx lenselijer)
Rayman 2: AV cable error, another rip seems to crash at new game (thx Phreaky)
Record of lodoss war: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)
Redhat Linux: Crashes during loading kernel
Resident Evil 2: "MMU not supported"
Revolt (U) - crashes after 2nd Acclaim logo (Added from Wovou's post)
Runecaster: Black sceen/reeboots DC (capcom & new gfx version)
San francisco rush 2049: hangs at car select, use normal chankast version! (thx lenselijer)
Sega Bass Fishing: Doesn't boot
Sega Extreme Sports (U): black screen (Added from Wovou's post)
Sega GT (E): Black screen (thx lenselijer)
Sega GT: Black screen
Sega Rally 2: Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)
Sega Smash Pack: All games crash the emu, use normal chankast (thx lenselijer)
Sega Sports: NBA 2k2: Doesn't work, returns to bios
Sega Sports: NFL 2k2: Doesn't work, returns to bios
Slave Zero: Doesn't work, returns to bios
SmashDC: Black screen
Snow Cross: AV Cable error
Soldier of Fortune: Doesn't work, black screen
South Park Chef's Love Shack: MMU not supported
South Park Rally: AV Cable
Soul Reaver: AV cable error
Spirit of Speed 1937: "MMU not supported"
Star Lancer: "MMU not supported" (Added from Wovou's post)
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (U): Hangs before main menu
Star Wars: Jedi power battles: shows intro movie then closes the emu (thx lenselijer)
Stupid Invaders (E): Black screen (Thx ScHlAuChi)
Super Runabout: "MMU not supported"
Super Speed Racing: Boots then goes to white screen (thx luka)
Sydney 2000: AV cable error (Added from lenselijer's post)
Tee off Golf: "MMU not supported"
Test drive le mans: plays 1 movie then a text appears onscreen: overload, doesn't go any further (thx lenselijer)
Tetris 4D: game loads, plays intro movie, then freezes before you can start a game (thx AKS)
Tetris Online: AV cable error
The Next Tetris: no vga support (thx lenselijer)
The Simpsons Quake Mod: Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)
The Typing Of The Dead: Doesnt work, black screen (thx Luka)
Trick Style: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Tomb raider chronicles: MMU not supported (thx lenselijer)
Toy Commander: audio cd menu (thx AKS)
Toy Story 2: Black Screen on boot (chanka then closes) (thx AKS)
Uefa striker: crashes the emu (thx lenselijer)
Urban Chaos: "MMU not supported"
Utopia boot disk 1.1: AV cable error
Vanishing point: Black screen (Added from Wovou's post)
Virtua On: Oratorio Tangram (J): Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Virtua Striker 2: Doesn't boot
Vitual Athletics: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Wacky Races: Doesn't boot (thx spaffdog)
Web Browser 2.6: Doesn't boot (from dc++ list)
Who wants to be a millionaire?: Crashes after the first fmv, all emu versions tested (Added from trotterwatch)
World series baseball 2k1: Doesn't boot (Added from Wovou's post)
Worms World Party: "MMU not supported"
Xploder: Freezes on boot (thx AKS)
Yu Suzuki Game Works: Boots then just hangs (thx Luca)
Note: If you wish to play homebrew games, visit this thread:
Note 2: Speculation says, the games that have an AV error can be fixed (soul calibur etc), by replacing the IP.bin with the one attached, or hexediting it. However, a number of amount of people are reporting it doesn't work, but try it if you wish
Message édité par MrBrOwNsToNe le 16-10-2005 à 20:03:38