comment faire marcher larry 7 sous win xp

comment faire marcher larry 7 sous win xp - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 01-07-2004 à 19:21:01    

j'ai voulu reinstaller larry 7 pour m'amuser, mais la vieille procedure d'installation de marche pas sous xp
comment faire


Marsh Posté le 01-07-2004 à 19:21:01   


Marsh Posté le 02-07-2004 à 00:19:45    

Bonsoir itoine,
j'ai vu ton annonce et j'ai trouvé ca  :) j'espere que cela t'aidera. Mais je n'ai pas verifié ,ne possédant pas le jeu.
Found a way to install Larry 7 on Win XP/2000
I found that the game is compatible with xp, but not the install. So I just bypass the installation and it works perfectly well :) here is what i'he done  
--> Create a folder where you want to install the game (for me it's c:\Larry ) explore your CD and copy all your files (not folders) except: RESMAP.000 , RESMDT.000 , resource.aud , resource.sfx , RESSCI.000 (they take to much place and they can be read directly from CD) copy the folders PATCHES and ENGLISH to your install folder (not sure if you need to copy ENGLISH ) now create a folder called MUSIC and go to your CD and then go in MUSIC, there's 2 directory 22M8 (Mono 8 bit) and 22S16 (Stereo 16 bit), choose which sound you want to install (22S16 much better!) and then go in that directory copy all the files in that folders and paste them in you MUSIC folders you created.  
Now you'll have to open RESOURCE.WIN (with Notepad) contained where you install the game and add these lines to the end of the document  
audio = c:\Larry\Music\  
resSfx = D:\  
resAud = D:\  
resMap = D:\  
movieDir = D:\movie\  
patchDir = c:\Larry\patches\  
These are my settings so maybe you'll need to remplace these directory with your config ( D:\ is the location of CD-Rom where you will put your CD of Larry and c:\Larry is where I've installed Larry) Save the Document Now run SIERW5.exe from where the game is installed and have fun!  
Each time you will put the cd the autorun will say to install it, just cancel that. Just make a shorcut on your desktop of SIERW5.exe and run it.  
--> Just make sure after this that all the directory above are the correct one, on my larry 7 version, I had nearly all the install files directly on my CD (D:), I tried to modify these lines to incorrect path and it makes the same error as you mentionned. With these settings,you will need your cd in your cd-rom drive to play the game if you don't want to, just copy your files in your larry installation folder and modify the to adjust the links with the correct ones.  
I hope this can help you
It worked! Thnx! But: Was Larry 7 640*480 with 256 colors, or do I remember correctly that there were also higher resolutions? If Yes how can I get it to function that way.
I tried to modify the resolution in the config ( on the wwidth and wheight section but it's not recommended to change it. When i try to run it the game works but your mouse cursor isn't on the same place of your icon so it's very difficult to click on things. Game is cool even on 640*480 :))))
OR :
--> You can play Larry 7 in dos(xp) with sound if you download VDMSound. Go to
--> Found out what was wrong...i copied the folderof sounds instead of the files themselves
Voila c'est un peu long mais ca t'aidera surement,
bon jeu


Marsh Posté le 02-07-2004 à 07:27:38    

merci, impec
ca marche :)


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